Wednesday, January 12, 2011

say "PLEASE", please.....

cultured, polite people can be identified by their manners. of course, we all like well-mannered people because we know that they will treat us politely. we like it whn service-oriented people treat us kindly at the shopping centre, amusement park, office, or restaurant or on public transport.

at the same time, business people know taht continued customer business and satisfaction is based on how the customers are treated. the customer who is treated politely will return. just how do people learn to treat others with politeness and courtesy? from how they were treated by others primarily during their formative years, such as at school and at home. 

a child's behaviour is learned and modeled after the expectations of the significant people in that child' life - and the most significant people in a child' life are parents and teachers. 

if you abuse a child, the child will grow up with the expectation to abuse others. if you treat a child with kindness, the child will grow up with the expectation to treat others with kindness. 

* Kindness begins with the word "please".

* Cultured, polite, and well-maqnnered people know and automatically use the word "please". It has become a learned behaviour.  

* Repetitive us eof the word "please'" is important if a child is to learn to use the word "please" in his/her life.

* "please" is usually used when you ask someone do something for you. thus the most effective way to use "please" is to couple the word with the person's name to whom you are addressing the request, as in "John, please...." 

* Strongly consider adding the word "please" to your worksheet, assignments, and other papers that you distribute in class.

taken from :
Onward Effective Teachers 
by Harry K. Wong;
of Harry K. Wong Publications

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