Tuesday, November 30, 2010

POEM : 7 832 104 LIGHT YEARS

little blue star up in the sky
how i wish i could possibly fly
to hold you close in my hands my dear
to feel your shine ever so warm and near
         but this shall remain as a dream, you see
         for you are 7 832 104 light years away from me

little blue star up in the stiff cold night
how i wish with all i might
to touch your beautiful shiny face
adore your eyes as i embrace
         but this shall remain as a dream, you know
         for i am 7 832 104 light years down below

little blue star amidst the clouds rolling by
how i wish as i wonder why
to feel your shiny skin of gold
your beauty in my memory i would fold
         but this shall remain as a dream, it'll always be
         for you are 7 832 104 light years away from me

m tauhhid z
"7 832 104 light years" Copyright © 1999  by m tauhhid z / tauhhidblog.blogspot.com

Saturday, November 27, 2010


painting by Phoebe Moore

by Eleanor Farjeon

The night will never stay,
the night will still go by,
though with a million stars
you pin it to the sky;
though you bind it with the
       blowing wind
and buckle it with the moon,
the night will slip away
like a sorrow or a tune.

a poem by Eleanor Farjeon
Copyright © 1951, from Poems For Children, by Eleanor Farjeon
Published by J. B. Lippincott Company

taken from Language And How To Use It by Scott, Foresman and Company, Glenview, Illinois 
Copyright © 1969, 1973 by by Scott, Foresman and Company
All Rights Reserved. 

Friday, November 26, 2010

Prelude to the series of poems about night.....

Excuse me for quoting: The authors of "Language And How To Use It".

'Nights can be mysterious and beautiful. Have you ever thought about the sound of the night wind, the colors of the night sky, or the beauty of stars and moonlight?'

coming up, i'll be featuring some poems about night, plus, i'll be featuring some of my own poems (and maybe paintings...if there are any..). my poems would mostly be in Bahasa Malaysia. i might took some effort to translate them, but i'm sure the poems then wouldn't be that poetic. but,  then again, i will try my best to please.

so, let me start. here's a poem about night's enchantment, titled...well, NIGHT'S ENCHANTMENT.

by Edith H. Brown

Something in the night
       enthralls me. 
I shall never, never tire
of winds and stars and 
and cool moonfire. 

a poem by Edith H. Brown
Copyright © 1966 by F. A. Owen Publishing Company

taken from Language And How To Use It by Scott, Foresman and Company, Glenview, Illinois 
Copyright © 1969, 1973 by by Scott, Foresman and Company
All Rights Reserved. 



In a puddle left from last week’s  rain,
      a friend of mine whose name is Joe
      caught a tadpole, and showed me where
      its froggy legs were beginning to grow.

Then we turned over a musty log,
      with lichens on it in a row,
      and found some fiddleheads of ferns
      uncoiling out of the moss below.

We hunted around and saw the first
      Jack-in-the-pulpits beginning to show,
      and even spotted under a rock
      where spotted salamanders go.

I learned all this one morning from Joe,
but how much more there is to know!

a poem by Harry Behn
painting : Jack White Graphics
Copyright © 1962, 1966 from The Golden Hive, by Harry Behn

taken from Language And How To Use It by Scott, Foresman and Company, Glenview, Illinois 
Copyright © 1969, 1973 by by Scott, Foresman and Company
All Rights Reserved. 


photography by tauhhid


A cliché
is what we all say
when we’re too lazy
to find another way

and so we say

warm as toast,
quiet as a mouse,
slow as molasses,
quick as a wink.

Is toast the warmest thing you know?
Think again, it might not be so.
Think again: it might even be snow!
Soft as lamb’s wool, fleecy snow,
a lacy shawl of new-fallen snow.

Listen to that mouse go
scuttling and clawing,
nibbling and pawing.
A mouse can speak
if only a squeak.

Is a mouse the quietest thing you know?
Think again, it might not be so.
Think again: it might be a shadow.
Quiet as a shadow,
quiet as growing grass,
quiet as a pillow,
or a looking glass.

Slow as molasses,
quick as a wink.
Before you say so,
take time to think.
Slow as time passes
when you’re sad and alone;
quick as an hour can go
happily on your own.

 a poem by Eve Merriam
painting : Blevin
Copyright © 1964 from It Doesn’t Always Have to Rhyme, by Eve Merriam

taken from Language And How To Use It by Scott, Foresman and Company, Glenview, Illinois 
Copyright © 1969, 1973 by by Scott, Foresman and Company
All Rights Reserved. 

poem: DAYS


Some days my thoughts are just cocoons- all cold,
       and dull, and blind,
They hang from dripping branches in the grey woods
       of my mind;
and other days they drift and shine- such free
       and flying things!
I find the gold-dust in my hair, left by their
       brushing wings.

 a poem by Karle Wilson Baker
painting : phoebe moore

Karle Wilson Baker
from Blue Smoke, by Karle Wilson Baker

taken from Language And How To Use It Book 4; by Scott, Foresman and Company, Glenview, Illinois 
Copyright © 1969, 1973 by by Scott, Foresman and Company
All Rights Reserved. 

Thursday, November 25, 2010


photography by tauhhid
painting (in photo) by Ted Rand


Vacation is over;
it's time to depart.
i must leave behind
(although it breaks my heart)

Tadpoles in the pond,
a can of eels,
a leaky rowboat,
abandoned car wheels;

For I'm packing only
a month of sunsets
and two apple trees.

a poem by Eve Merriam

Eve Merriam
from It Doesn't Always Have To Rhyme, by Eve Merriam
Copyright 1964

taken from Sound Of A Distant Drum by  Bill Martin Jr., California State Series, 
Copyright © 1967 by Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc. 
All Rights Reserved. 

on the boat...yet again!


here are a few more pictures in the "On the Boat" category. the pictures were taken on the 20th November 2010; Saturday, somewhere around 8o'clock in the morning.


RGM, Laura and Linda

photo by RGM

siapa punya birthday...?


i just realized...my blog is now three years old. since 8th october 2008, i posted wayyy over a hundred posts, all of which has no specific common theme. i simply blog everything that i might find interesting to share with the rest of the world. to begin talking about what i posted would be like repeating the same posts again. so, i'm not going to do that. what i want to say now is...thank you everyone! you came anonymously to my blog, maybe just passing by, or maybe silently following my blog. here's to you guys...thanks. still, i would love to hear from you. just say something in the chat box. better still, comment on what i posted. you guys could even correct any grammatical errors here.

terima kasih yang tidak terhingga buat semua yang pernah menyinggah sebentar ke blog ini. teristimewa buat kesembilan followers (hahahha...sembilan je? kesiannyeee...), i enjoy following your blog, and so i hope you enjoyed following mine, so far.

so, now.... HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY to my blog...
something by tauhhid

Monday, November 22, 2010


seriously, i don't know who made this video, or whether this is an official video ? but, i like the style of editing, plus the song was great! so people, here's my latest PERSONAL PICK. am i inspired...? you bet i am!

don’t wanna live without your love
without your smile
‘cause i know i love you

you will always there when i call you
though i know that you’re not feeling well
even in the dark, in rainy night
you were always there to walk me home

i’m so lucky to have you
so happy to love you

don’t wanna live without your love
without your smile
and i know i love you

you were always there when i call you
though i know that you’re not feeling well
even in the dark, in rainy night

you were always stay to walk me home
i’m so lucky to have you
so happy to love you

don’t wanna live without your love
without your smile
without your sentimental
live without your love
without your cry
without your warm embrace

live without your love
without your smile
‘cause i know i love you

simple cake......

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my nephew, Wan Aliff Mustafa. Excited dia nak makan cake tu.....

memori senyuman 2010

photography by: zai, ridz, rufina, jess, menara, aggi, tauhhid
arrangement and editing: tauhhid
produced by: rufina and tauhhid

copyright: RGM™ & mamarock films

Saturday, November 20, 2010

tribute to a special friend

with linda, laura and syrosazizah
Madam Laura Singi is transferring to Perlis Indera Kayangan. 
so, here's to you my friend; 
pictures of us together in SK NANGA KAIN.
sitting behind the express boat

the four lions 2009-2010
sarida, laura, jesion and me....

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Eid al-Adha

According to Islamic tradition, approximately four thousand years ago, the valley of Mecca (in what is now Saudi Arabia) was a dry, rocky and uninhabited place. Abraham ('Ibraheem in Arabic) was instructed to bring his Egyptian wife Hagar (Hāǧar) and Ishmael, his only child at the time (Ismā'īl), to Arabia from the land of Canaan (in Palestine as well as parts of Lebanon,Jordan,Syria and Sinai) by God's command.
As Abraham was ready to return to Canaan, Hagar asked him, "Did "Allah" (God) order you to leave us here"? When Abraham replied: "Yes, I was directed by Allah" (God), Hagar said, "then Allah will not forget us; you can go". Although Abraham had left a large quantity of food and water with Hagar and Ishmael, the supplies quickly ran out, and within a few days the two began to feel the pangs of hunger and dehydration.
Hagar ran up and down between two hills called Al-Safa and Al-Marwah seven times, in her desperate quest for water. Exhausted, she finally collapsed beside her baby Ishmael and prayed to God for deliverance. Miraculously, a spring of water gushed forth from the earth at the feet of baby Ishmael. Other accounts have the angel Gabriel (Jibril) striking the earth and causing the spring to flow in abundance. With this secure water supply, known as theZamzam Well, they were not only able to provide for their own needs, but were also able to trade water with passing nomads for food and supplies.
Years later, Abraham was instructed by God to return from Palestine to build a place of worship adjacent to Hagar's well (the Zamzam Well). Abraham and Ishmael constructed a stone and mortar structure —known as the Kaaba— which was to be the gathering place for all who wished to strengthen their faith in God. As the years passed, Ishmael was blessed with Prophethood (Nubuwwah) and gave the nomads of the desert his message of submission to God. After many centuries, Mecca became a thriving desert city and a major center for trade, thanks to its reliable water source, the well of Zamzam.
One of the main trials of Abraham's life was to face the command of God to devote his dearest possession, his only son. Upon hearing this command, he prepared to submit to God's will. During this preparation, Satan (Shaitan) tempted Abraham and his family by trying to dissuade them from carrying out God's commandment, and Ibrahim and Ishmael drove Satan away by throwing pebbles at him. In commemoration of their rejection of Satan, stones are thrown at symbolic pillars signifying Satan during the Hajj rites.
When Ishmael was about 13 (Ibrahim being 99), Allah (God) decided to test their faith in and submission to Allah in public. Both father and son were put through the most difficult test of their love for Allah. Abraham had a recurring dream, in which God was commanding him to offer his son as a sacrifice – an unimaginable act – sacrificing his son, which God had granted him after many years of deep prayer, the one who had been the centre of his affection and love for all these years. Abraham knew that the dreams of the prophets were inspired by Allah, and one of the ways in which God communicated with his prophets. This must be what Allah had wanted him to do. When the intent of the dreams became clear to him, Abraham decided to fulfil God's command and offer his beloved son in sacrifice.
Although Abraham was ready to sacrifice his dearest for Allah’s sake, he could not just go and drag his son to the place of sacrifice without his consent. Isma'el had to be consulted as to whether he was willing to give up his life as fulfillment to God's command. This consultation would be a major test of Isma'el’s maturity in faith, love and commitment for Allah, willingness to obey his father and sacrifice his own life for the sake of Allah.
Abraham presented the matter to his son and asked for his opinion about the dreams of slaughtering him. Ishmael’s reaction was absolutely astounding. He did not show any hesitation or reservation even for a moment. He said, “Father, do what you have been commanded. You will find me, Insha'Allah (God willing), to be very patient.” His mature response, his deep insight into the nature of dad’s dreams, his commitment to Allah, and ultimately his willingness to sacrifice his own life for the sake of Allah were all unprecedented.
When both father and son had shown their perfect obedience to Allah and they had practically demonstrated their willingness to sacrifice their most precious possessions for His sake—Abraham by laying down his son for sacrifice and Ishmael by lying patiently under the knife – Allah called out to them stating that his sincere intentions had been accepted, and that he need not carry out the killing of Ishmael. Instead, Abraham was told to replace his son with a ram to sacrifice instead. Allah also told them that they had passed the test imposed upon them by his willingness to carry out God's command

This is mentioned in the Holy Qur'an as follows:
"O my Lord! Grant me a righteous (son)!" So We gave him the good news of a boy, possessing forbearance. And when (his son) was old enough to walk and work with him, (Abraham) said: O my dear son, I see in vision that I offer you in sacrifice: Now see what is your view!" (The son) said: "O my father! Do what you are commanded; if Allah wills, you will find me one practising patience and steadfastness!" So when they both submitted and he threw him down upon his forehead, We called out to him saying: O Ibraheem! You have indeed fulfilled the vision; surely thus do We reward those who do good. Most surely this was a manifest trial. And We ransomed him with a momentous sacrifice. And We perpetuated (praise) to him among the later generations. "Peace and salutation to Abraham!" Thus indeed do We reward those who do right. Surely he was one of Our believing servants.
As a reward for this sacrifice, Allah then granted Abraham the good news of the birth of his second son, Is-haaq (Isaac):
And We gave him the good news of Is-haaq, a prophet from among the righteous. 

Abraham had shown that his love for his Lord superseded all others: that he would lay down his own life or the lives of those dearest to him in submission to God's command. Muslims commemorate this ultimate act of sacrifice every year during Eid al-Adha.

article taken from : wikipedia.org


alahai...untuk kali keduanya, i tak balik ke kampung untuk menyambut Hari Raya Aidiladha. so, what am i going to do tomorrow? nak ajak Cikgu Semang sama-sama baca takbir raya kot? gengsi lain semua nak keluar hari ni.  gitu pun, i tau ada kawan-kawan yang lain tak dapat balik beraya. macam Kak Maya Jelita, dia pun kena stay kat skool jugak, and then Miss Nikkie, pun tak balik jugak. anyway, i nak ucapkan SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILADHA buat semua.

and for everyone else around the world, HAVE A BLESSED EID AL ADHA.

Saturday, November 13, 2010



here's a new one from me. another unofficial video to a song by White Shoes and The Couples Company. this one will be played during our school's Year End ceremony. this video features my Year 6 students. the video took two days to shoot, due to bad weather. i shot some scenes on the first day, then cancelled the second day of the shooting, then shoot again on the next day. the video almost didn't made it. but, here it is now, completed. plus, there are three different versions for this video.

oops, here are stills from the video.

arrangement, editing, stills and art direction by : m tauhhid z
props : aggi, wilson, steward, syvester
produced by : mamarock films™ 2010
models: aggi, steward, menara, wilson, christy, sylvester, janeffer, evelyn, inja, erra

Friday, November 12, 2010

dah! disuruh menjadi MC lah pulak.....

dah! disuruh menjadi MC lah pulak.....

actually, being appointed as the EMCEE (MC=master of ceremony...not MC Hammer y'all) wasn't that bad afterall. but, i've been appointed for so many times...that i gotten bored! why can't i just be one of the audience? hehehehehe....

well, since i'm the emcee, i have to dig up for the script and came up with a few pantun for the event.

oopss...there was a request for clipshow, during the event. so, i am now in the process of creating another videoclip, plus two picture-slideshows. aaiyyyooo.....but, i'm keeping positive, i can do it. plus, i will feature three videos....or maybe more, not just one AS REQUESTED.

sorry...no picts.....

selangkah keseberang

Selangkah Keseberang, Arah Ciptaku Kini
Selangkah Keseberang, Awal Terungkap Dalam Diri
Walau Terselubung Kelabu, Lembut Menyatukan Menyapa
Aral Yang Kunjung Tiba, Diawal Duka

Selangkah Keseberang, Arah Ciptaku Kini
Selangkah Keseberang, Awal Terungkap Dalam Diri
Walau Terselubung Kelabu, Lembut Menyatukan Menyapa
Aral Yang Kunjung Tiba, Diawal Duka

Hati Tergugat Cipta Nan Jara, Nikmatnya Hidup Indah Persada
Gelisah Seakan Turut Sirna, Diantara Rawan Kancah Nyata
Kan Kujelang Kehampaan Gulita, Penuh Jerat Kehidupan
Alamnya ...

Menyapa, Aral Yang Kunjung Tiba
Diawal Duka Dalam Diri
Terselubung Kelabu, Lembut Menyatukan

Menyapa, Aral Yang Kunjung Tiba
Diawal Duka Dalam Diri ...Tenggelam Dalam Nada
Aksara Kata-kata

Saturday, November 6, 2010

poetry "awan"...clouds

awan berlalu
menuju ke kaki langit yang kian
membiru tua
bagaikan rambut dibelai bayu
melambai dalam tarian yang

"the sailing clouds
rolling towards the deep-blue
like hair blown aloft
waving in a hypnotizing dance"

sesiapa yang pernah melihat awan
berlalu dalam kepulan-kepulan lembut
sedarlah; itu adalah kasihNya
yang datang perlahan-lahan; belayar
dari pelusuk biru jauh

Thursday, November 4, 2010

DEEPAVALI greetings

have a blessed, joyous and colourful Diwali to everyone. grretings!