Friday, November 26, 2010



In a puddle left from last week’s  rain,
      a friend of mine whose name is Joe
      caught a tadpole, and showed me where
      its froggy legs were beginning to grow.

Then we turned over a musty log,
      with lichens on it in a row,
      and found some fiddleheads of ferns
      uncoiling out of the moss below.

We hunted around and saw the first
      Jack-in-the-pulpits beginning to show,
      and even spotted under a rock
      where spotted salamanders go.

I learned all this one morning from Joe,
but how much more there is to know!

a poem by Harry Behn
painting : Jack White Graphics
Copyright © 1962, 1966 from The Golden Hive, by Harry Behn

taken from Language And How To Use It by Scott, Foresman and Company, Glenview, Illinois 
Copyright © 1969, 1973 by by Scott, Foresman and Company
All Rights Reserved. 


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