Friday, November 26, 2010


photography by tauhhid


A cliché
is what we all say
when we’re too lazy
to find another way

and so we say

warm as toast,
quiet as a mouse,
slow as molasses,
quick as a wink.

Is toast the warmest thing you know?
Think again, it might not be so.
Think again: it might even be snow!
Soft as lamb’s wool, fleecy snow,
a lacy shawl of new-fallen snow.

Listen to that mouse go
scuttling and clawing,
nibbling and pawing.
A mouse can speak
if only a squeak.

Is a mouse the quietest thing you know?
Think again, it might not be so.
Think again: it might be a shadow.
Quiet as a shadow,
quiet as growing grass,
quiet as a pillow,
or a looking glass.

Slow as molasses,
quick as a wink.
Before you say so,
take time to think.
Slow as time passes
when you’re sad and alone;
quick as an hour can go
happily on your own.

 a poem by Eve Merriam
painting : Blevin
Copyright © 1964 from It Doesn’t Always Have to Rhyme, by Eve Merriam

taken from Language And How To Use It by Scott, Foresman and Company, Glenview, Illinois 
Copyright © 1969, 1973 by by Scott, Foresman and Company
All Rights Reserved. 


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