Thursday, November 25, 2010

siapa punya birthday...?


i just blog is now three years old. since 8th october 2008, i posted wayyy over a hundred posts, all of which has no specific common theme. i simply blog everything that i might find interesting to share with the rest of the world. to begin talking about what i posted would be like repeating the same posts again. so, i'm not going to do that. what i want to say now is...thank you everyone! you came anonymously to my blog, maybe just passing by, or maybe silently following my blog. here's to you guys...thanks. still, i would love to hear from you. just say something in the chat box. better still, comment on what i posted. you guys could even correct any grammatical errors here.

terima kasih yang tidak terhingga buat semua yang pernah menyinggah sebentar ke blog ini. teristimewa buat kesembilan followers (hahahha...sembilan je? kesiannyeee...), i enjoy following your blog, and so i hope you enjoyed following mine, so far.

so, now.... HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY to my blog...
something by tauhhid

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