Monday, November 22, 2010


seriously, i don't know who made this video, or whether this is an official video ? but, i like the style of editing, plus the song was great! so people, here's my latest PERSONAL PICK. am i inspired...? you bet i am!

don’t wanna live without your love
without your smile
‘cause i know i love you

you will always there when i call you
though i know that you’re not feeling well
even in the dark, in rainy night
you were always there to walk me home

i’m so lucky to have you
so happy to love you

don’t wanna live without your love
without your smile
and i know i love you

you were always there when i call you
though i know that you’re not feeling well
even in the dark, in rainy night

you were always stay to walk me home
i’m so lucky to have you
so happy to love you

don’t wanna live without your love
without your smile
without your sentimental
live without your love
without your cry
without your warm embrace

live without your love
without your smile
‘cause i know i love you

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