Monday, January 30, 2012


semalam nonton AJL 26...
best sangat...
tahniah buat lagu AWAN NANO 
yang dipilih menjadi Juara Lagu

tapi fokus i bukan laaa AWAN NANO Hafiz tuuu...
i nak feature lagu ni sebagai My Personal Pick 
untuk Januari...
lagu yang i pilih adalah Gadis Semasa 
versi live oleh YUNA....
very catchy...and jazzy.... 
hehehehe...minat sangat lagu ni!

Oh begini rasanya cinta
Bila diagung-agungkan kuasanya
Dan aku begitu naif untuk dirimu
Kerna usia

Oh sekarang bukannya masa
Untuk kau ungkit lagi salah siapa
Dan engkau terlalu ego untuk diriku
Kau memang begitu

Bukalah mata oh
Yang selama ini kau pejamkan
Dan lihatlah diriku

Buanglah buanglah
Buang curiga yang telah lama kau simpan
Yang mungkin memudaratkan mu

Aku memang begitu
Tetap seperti dahulu
Terlalu menyanyangi diri mu

Kau mahukan gadis semasa
Yang bisa memberikan kau segalanya
Dan engkau tak mampu melihat
Apa yang ada di depanmu

Kau mahukan perubahan dunia
Tetapi pada aku kau sama saja
Dan engkau terlalu ego untuk diriku
Kau memang begitu

Aku memang begitu
Tetap seperti dahulu
Terlalu menyayangi dirimu

Oh aku memang begitu
Tetap seperti dahulu
Terlalu menyayangi diri
Terlalu menyayangi diri
Terlalu menyayangi dirimu

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

kes cedera masa berbadminton!


significantly enough this song fits the incident that happened to me two weeks ago...
i was enjoying a great time playing badminton with my colleagues 
ie: Miss Rinda, Mr. Sportsman and Si Comel Medan
and i was partnered with Mr. Medan; 
when halfway through the second round....
tragedy struck.....(konon tragedi sangat laaaa)
Medan was trying to return the shuttlecock-as i was looking over my shoulder
and THAT was when the shuttlecock hit me in my left eye!

aiyooo! i thought i was going to pass out!
it did hurt very much at that time....
naseb baekkk laa ada Auntie Roselind;
she quickly came over and gently opened my eye!
she said i should douse my eye with some water and put some cold compress on it...

hehehehe...i was having the red eye for over a week...
susah kat skool i nii....bukannya dekat dengan klinik pun....

kesian jugak dengan si Medan; risau gilaaaa dia. 
i assured him that it was okayyy...accidents happen!

it was my bad as well....
and now i learnt my lesson well; 
1) nak main badminton; kena pakai topeng menyelam. 
kalau nak bawak tangki oksigen pun okay jugak!
2) jangan lupa sebut Bismillah sebelum main badminton....
kalau boleh siap baca doa tolak bala sebelum main badminton yang zalim tu....hehehehe
3) main dengan cara yang paliiiiiiing lemah lembut serta penuh kesopanan dan kesusilaan. 
kalau main badminton cara "akak-akak" pun okay jugak....hehehehe

and the most important...
4) jaga keselamatan masa bermain badminton! kalau boleh ajak apai Security guard untuk jaga keselamatan kita masa bermain...gitewww....

hehehehe....positive thinking!

Monday, January 23, 2012

it's quiet!

23rd January 2012
8.00 a.m.
it's a quiet morning in Sarikei town....
due to the fact that many Sarikeians are celebrating 
Chinese New Year.....

many shops are closed
except for some of the restaurants 
and supermarket stores....

the roads looked vacant as well - 
one might even consider dancing on the streets
for there are less cars on the road. 

but, please, don't take me seriously and go dancing...
if you do...well, do it at your own risk. 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

angelically smiling

Congratulations to 
Mr. Ridzuan and Mdm. Norhaniza 
on the birth of their first child
Da’i Rijal El-Rafif on 21 December 2011

Baby Da’i was born pre-maturely; 
but now is doing healthy…
and angelically smiling.

Zillions of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Ridzuan Rawi 
for allowing me to feature baby Da’i’s photo.

Photography by: Ridzuan Rawi
Photography treatment by: m tauhhid z

Hak Milik eksklusif : Ridzuan Rawi & Norhaniza M Samin
Hakcipta : M Tauhhid Z
© mtauhhidz™ 2012

new Chinese New Year lanterns


i can see red lanterns everywhere in Sarikei;
and when i say everywhere...i meant everywhere!

in restaurants, bookshops, lampposts, 
on the balconies, corridors, 
in the shops....
on potted plants even....

well, if you remember; a few days ago
i posted two photos of Chinese New Year's lanterns 
in front of Swehon Supermarket....
(at that time...i misspelled Swehon as Swee bad!)
right now, i got a few more photos of this beautifully decorated shop.

of course, typical of me....
i'd surely 'retro'ized the photos. 

so, i'm wishing everyone a happy and prosperous new year!

yours truly;
m tauhhid z

Thursday, January 19, 2012

get thee behind me! no more foul words!!!!

good morning y'allsss.... 
nak minta tolong gengsizzz semua 
untuk remind me not to use the word "NOK" in any of my sentence.... 
mulai hari ni! 

i baru tau maksud perkataan tu. 
ingatkan perkataan tu mesra sangat maksudnya, 
tetapi hakikatnya perkataan itewwww membawa konotasi yang tidak baik. 
i pun nak mintak maaf sekiranya pernah menggunakan perkataan "NOK" 
sewaktu berinteraksi dgn sesiapa saja. 

how ignorant was i for not knowing....
and now i knew, i humbly apologize. 
insyaAllah, i'll address everyone by their nickname. 
itu lagi mesra kan....? 

emmuuaaahhhh for everyone!

"a change;will do you good" - Sheryl Crow....

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sarikei....CNY this way comes!

something retro this way comes...
hehehe....the phrase above is actually a play-of-words
originally adapted from Shakespear's Macbeth...
alaaaa....the scene from which one the witch talk about Macbeth....get it?

okeyyy...merepek lagi!

now, i'm re-featuring these photos taken from my own blog
wayyyyyyyyyyy back in 2009.

the pictures were taken at Swee Hung Mini Market in Sarikei;
three days before Chinese New Year. 
this is one of the hot-spots in Sarikei for many Sarikeans 
to do their festive shopping. 
ehemmm...i'm not a spokesperson for this mini-market.

so, here goes.....
to all my Chinese friends;
to all the readers from Hong Kong, Taiwan and China;
to all my Chinese readers.....
have a great Chinese New Year to you guys....
and greetings from Malaysia!


the photos aren't that sharp 
because they were taken using a camera phone. 
they were digitally enhanced to give that retro look. 
yuppp...i'm THAT cheap! hehehehe...

Saturday, January 14, 2012

sketsa Ombak Rindu


plot:window shopping DVD, 
watak: jurujual (JJ) & i (mtz)

JJ: kitak carik cerita apa? (amboi...peramah sunggoh youuu...)
Awak cari cerita apa?

mtz: oh...nengok2 jak dolok, dik...(sah tua dah aku panggil orang 'adik')
       Oh...tengok-tengok je dulu, dik....

JJ: Tuk ada cerita bagus...
     Ini ada cerita bagus

mtz: cerita apa kah? (excited nak tau...)
       Cerita apa?

JJ: tuk nya....Ombak Rindu. (wajah penuh keyakinan yang amatssss)
Ini dia.....Ombak Rindu.

mtz: Oh! TIDAAAAKKKKKKKKK.......!!!!!!!

moralnya disini adalah;

persoalannya; adakah jeritan itu kerana perasan anti cetak rompak, ataupun kerana jiwa memberontak tak sanggup nonton cerita jiwang? hehehehe.....

tapi, kalau cerita tu best yang tersangat2, dan lambat nak keluar wayang, cetak rompak tu laaa yang you all cari kannn........jangan tak mengakuuuuu!

sekian, terima kasih.....

tangga besi yang best sangat!

tiga serangkai ni sentiasa nak bergambar sama

kalau laaa ada yang pernah ke sekolah i kan
pasti akan teringat dengan tangga kayu 
yang entah berapa tahun dah berada kat tepi sungai depan sekolah i tu

tapi sekarang tangga tu dah takde lagiiii...
dah digantikan dengan tangga and titi besi yang lagi best gitewww
sekarang ni lagi senang laaa pelajar and cikgu-cikgis nak ke muara
tak macam dolu-dolu (dulu-dulu...), terpaksa menuruni tangga kayu yang mengerikan!

i pun senang hati lah jugak....
sebab tak perlu nak berpaut kat sesiapa masa nak naik bot. 
kesian laaa orang yang pernah menjadi mangsa pautan tangan i yang besar ni. 

panorama in the boat

lama dah feature segmen "in the boat"
so, this time....i nak share with everyone 
this picture that i took a week ago

Miss Ida Sarida, Miss RGM, Mr. Amirul and the Headmaster;Mr. Payakon

a panoramic photo of my colleagues taking a short nap 
in the express boat en-route to Kapit town...

you guys might be wondering...
why were they napping?
well...the journey from my school to Kapit town 
took almost an it was early in the afternoon;
a great time to nap!

hehehehe...they were a bit annoyed after knowing that they were photographed,
but after looking at this picture, they didn't mind...and said it was lovely!
thanks guys....

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Cinematography : Life In A Day

inspirations don't just come everyday

inspirasi tidak datang pada setiap hari
tetapi sekiranya inspirasi tersebut muncul;
ambil sahaja peluang tersebut untuk menghasilkan sesuatu 
yang cukup bermakna dan menarik....

menyaksikan Life In A Day;
sebuah filem dokumentari yang dihasilkan oleh Ridley Scott
benar-benar mengasyikkan

this film;to me; is very inspiring
the plot centers on the video recordings of people, animals and also things during a day; on the July 24th 2011. 
it was an international collaboration among hundreds and thousands of amateur filmmakers around the world; 
together with Ridley Scott, the National Geographic and also Youtube.

ada beberapa scene yang i rasakan sangat menarik
yang menunjukkan perjalanan sehari-harian individu 
yang terdapat di dalam dokumentari ini

to me; this film is one great masterpiece!

Friday, January 6, 2012

catatan "ingat family"

lama dah tak buat blogpost yang baru...
line skoolnet tak boleh dipakai...bila dah di El-Kapitan ni...
blogging lah sepuas hati kannnnnnn

bila dah buka sesi baru persekolahan 2012 ni..
memang ada cikgu2 ataupun staf yang akan berjauhan dari keluarga...
especially yang mengajar di kawasan pedalaman...
lebih-lebih lagi bagi yang bertugas di pedalaman Sarawak ataupun Sabah

seminggu yang pertama adalah yang paling syahdu..
maklumlaaa, sebulan lebih bersama keluarga/isteri/suami/anak
bila berjauhan ni..memang terasa laaaa yang teramatsssss
tak terkecuali diri i ni...sob... sob... boleh nanges tawww....

Aktiviti yang paling digemari oleh my nephew, Alep@Wan Aliff Mustafa...

setiap masa..lebih-lebih lagi waktu malam, 
i sentiasa teringatkan my three nephews and niece....
diaorang laaaa buah hati pengarang jantung i gitewwww....
sentiasa teringat 
"mesti diaorang dah tido dah masa ni..."
"mesti diaorang tengah makan-makan" 
atau "mesti ramai-ramai tengok tv sekarang ni..."

well, i sentiasa mendoakan kebahagiaan buat my family, 
mendoakan kesejahteraan, kesihatan dan ketenangan hati
dimurahkan rezeki dan kelapangan dada dan hati untuk menerima ilmu
mendoakan semoga dosa-dosa kami sekeluarga akan diampunkan
dan dipelihara dalam kasih sayang Allah s.w.t...

i segan sangat nak minta diberikan kekayaan,
pangkat, kedudukan, dilimpahkan harta...
kerana i sedia tahu.....apa saja yang i miliki, 
sekiranya tanpa keberkatan, bila-bila masa sahaja akan ditarik-balik. 
most of the time, i akan berdoa agar diberikan ketenangan hati sahaja, 
because, for me, i prefer happiness to gold!

insyaAllah, i'll pray for my family even more...
asking for His great love.  

Sunday, January 1, 2012

A FOODIE'S TAKE ON...Happy New Year 2012

"how to start a blogpost on the first day of a new year?"

start with something familiar,
throw in a few photos
blab for a few lines
and there you have it.....

hehehe...this morning,
before i went back to Kapit for this year's teaching sessions
my family and i made a short stop for a brekkie
at Yusuf Islamic Cafe in Sarikei....

hmm...the restaurant wasn't that crowded as it usually was
maybe because it was still too early for brunch
or, maybe the Sarikeans were still snuggling soundly in bed
after the long night of partying...well, it was the new year!

being typical me, i snapped up a couple of photos for my blog
and, yet again...i left my camera in the car. hmmmmm....
well, no fret! camera -phone kan boleh pakai...

this is murtabak daging kambing;
or mutton murtabak.... an Indian-Muslim style flat bread 
with mutton and vegetable bits filling....
and dhal and mutton curry, and some sweet and sour chilli sauce

HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!