Saturday, January 14, 2012

panorama in the boat

lama dah feature segmen "in the boat"
so, this time....i nak share with everyone 
this picture that i took a week ago

Miss Ida Sarida, Miss RGM, Mr. Amirul and the Headmaster;Mr. Payakon

a panoramic photo of my colleagues taking a short nap 
in the express boat en-route to Kapit town...

you guys might be wondering...
why were they napping?
well...the journey from my school to Kapit town 
took almost an it was early in the afternoon;
a great time to nap!

hehehehe...they were a bit annoyed after knowing that they were photographed,
but after looking at this picture, they didn't mind...and said it was lovely!
thanks guys....

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