Sunday, January 1, 2012

A FOODIE'S TAKE ON...Happy New Year 2012

"how to start a blogpost on the first day of a new year?"

start with something familiar,
throw in a few photos
blab for a few lines
and there you have it.....

hehehe...this morning,
before i went back to Kapit for this year's teaching sessions
my family and i made a short stop for a brekkie
at Yusuf Islamic Cafe in Sarikei....

hmm...the restaurant wasn't that crowded as it usually was
maybe because it was still too early for brunch
or, maybe the Sarikeans were still snuggling soundly in bed
after the long night of partying...well, it was the new year!

being typical me, i snapped up a couple of photos for my blog
and, yet again...i left my camera in the car. hmmmmm....
well, no fret! camera -phone kan boleh pakai...

this is murtabak daging kambing;
or mutton murtabak.... an Indian-Muslim style flat bread 
with mutton and vegetable bits filling....
and dhal and mutton curry, and some sweet and sour chilli sauce

HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!

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