Sunday, January 22, 2012

angelically smiling

Congratulations to 
Mr. Ridzuan and Mdm. Norhaniza 
on the birth of their first child
Da’i Rijal El-Rafif on 21 December 2011

Baby Da’i was born pre-maturely; 
but now is doing healthy…
and angelically smiling.

Zillions of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Ridzuan Rawi 
for allowing me to feature baby Da’i’s photo.

Photography by: Ridzuan Rawi
Photography treatment by: m tauhhid z

Hak Milik eksklusif : Ridzuan Rawi & Norhaniza M Samin
Hakcipta : M Tauhhid Z
© mtauhhidz™ 2012

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