Tuesday, January 24, 2012

kes cedera masa berbadminton!


significantly enough this song fits the incident that happened to me two weeks ago...
i was enjoying a great time playing badminton with my colleagues 
ie: Miss Rinda, Mr. Sportsman and Si Comel Medan
and i was partnered with Mr. Medan; 
when halfway through the second round....
tragedy struck.....(konon tragedi sangat laaaa)
Medan was trying to return the shuttlecock-as i was looking over my shoulder
and THAT was when the shuttlecock hit me in my left eye!

aiyooo! i thought i was going to pass out!
it did hurt very much at that time....
naseb baekkk laa ada Auntie Roselind;
she quickly came over and gently opened my eye!
she said i should douse my eye with some water and put some cold compress on it...

hehehehe...i was having the red eye for over a week...
susah kat skool i nii....bukannya dekat dengan klinik pun....

kesian jugak dengan si Medan; risau gilaaaa dia. 
i assured him that it was okayyy...accidents happen!

it was my bad as well....
and now i learnt my lesson well; 
1) nak main badminton; kena pakai topeng menyelam. 
kalau nak bawak tangki oksigen pun okay jugak!
2) jangan lupa sebut Bismillah sebelum main badminton....
kalau boleh siap baca doa tolak bala sebelum main badminton yang zalim tu....hehehehe
3) main dengan cara yang paliiiiiiing lemah lembut serta penuh kesopanan dan kesusilaan. 
kalau main badminton cara "akak-akak" pun okay jugak....hehehehe

and the most important...
4) jaga keselamatan masa bermain badminton! kalau boleh ajak apai Security guard untuk jaga keselamatan kita masa bermain...gitewww....

hehehehe....positive thinking!

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