Thursday, April 30, 2015

Be different!

ada kalangan cikgu 
yang tak berani nak 
do something extraordinary
and weird...maklumlah kannn...
takut akan persepsi rakan sejawat yang lain.

Tak mengapa....each to their own.

Hahaha...sekali-sekala cuba laaa
bergambar begini.
Takkan laaa takut baju kotor...
apa, malas nak basuh baju kaa?


Let's do something different,
since nobody else dare to do it...
why not us?

Berlatih Koir Bersama Tahun 6

Kuarters kediaman i ni memang kelezzz sangat
multi-functional of the highest level!
Rumah kediaman, kelas, restaurant, kedai fotostat,
kedai peralatan sukan, foto studio, surau...(eh?)
farmasi, oddity shop, muzium, cabaret
and now...another title added to it...
vocal class! Year 6 students
practicing for their choir competition.

They came to my house 
almost every afternoon and evening.

Mr Azizi and i had to take turns 
practicing them for their Bahasa Malaysia and 
English song.

Personally, it was a great experience training them
because i get to sing along.

Sampai serak-serak rock suara i.
Hehehehe...berangan sangat laaa
nak kata suara i ni suara rock kannnn....

They trained almost two hours for each session
and i can tell you...
my Year 6 students really like to sing
flat here and there...sana sini...

But, kids, you guys did well for your performances
eventhough you guys only got third place.
But, really, i'm so proud of you all.

Now the competition is over...
let's double..or triple our focus
on doing well for the upcoming exam.

Start your engine...
and let's go!

Sambutan Bulan Bahasa SERENGKA 2015 Part 4

Wajah wajah yang comel semasa
Majlis penutupan bulan bahasa serengka 2015.

All photos taken using 
Samsung Galaxy Young cameraphone.

I just couldn't resist 
taking the photos of these
cute and lovely darlings.
Plus, i haven't done any 
cameraphone photography 
for quite sometime now.

Photos taken during 
the closing ceremony for the
Sambutan Bulan Bahasa SERENGKA 2015.

Sambutan Bulan Bahasa SERENGKA Part 3

Ni pulak pertandingan Koir 
Lagu Bahasa Melayu
dan lagu Bahasa Inggeris.
Meriah sangat u'olsss....

A picture worth a thousand words.
So...when there were gazillion pictures
you will get a telephone directory.

Please, don't ever quote that!

Okay enjoy looking at the photos yahhh...
Photos courtesy of my very cute housemate.
Hahahaha....terima kasih Zizie.

Tahun 5, the champion for the
choir competition. Champion sebab ada Carlos Kujat.
Kalau kat USA, Kujat ni boleh dikategorikan sebagai
Breakthrough Artist. Gtuuusssss.... Year 6 students. Tegaaaakkkk jerrr
macam nyanyi Negaraku...

My cuties from Tahun 2. Very entertaining.

Kelezzz kannn gambar yang Zizie ambik ni...
my students really looked cute!
I wonder, kalau i pulak yang diambik gambar....
mesti i nampak cute jugak kannn....(matilaaa perasan...)

Tahun 3 with their performance of
Puteri Santubong.

So..there you have it, folks.
The choir competition was a MÀJOR success.
Tahniah for the winners.
and tahniah also for me....
because i was able to sing (albeit in low voice)
all the songs....emmm...except for some lines from
the song...Che Awe Donde....

(tiba-tiba jaaa ada statement nak puji diri sendiri!!)

Sambutan Bulan Bahasa SERENGKA 2015 Part 2

Malam memang masa yang sesuai 
untuk mendengar cerita.

Menjadi semakin best bila dapat 
dengar banyak cerita yang best.
So, i guess it was suitable enough
that the storytelling competition 
was held at night.

But one thing for sure
kalaunsi pencerita tu
terlupa skrip.
ada jugak lah pencerita 
yang terpaksa
bercerita sambil tengok skrip.

But, as long as the story was good
then the audience would be good.

Okay...foto time!

Bulan Bahasa SERENGKA 2015 Part 1

So, nak ulang balik apa yang berlaku sepanjang
sambutan Bulan Bahasa SK Nanga Kain.

Dah nak hujung April
baru nak blogging cerita aktiviti bulan ni yerrr...
well, at least better than nothing lah kannn

Okay, i think i'm going to do this in parts.

The first part is...
pelancaran Bulan Bahasa SK Nanga Kain

On 8th of April, Bulan Bahasa (Language Month)
was launched and officiated by our school's
Penolong Kanan, Mr. Hamdan.

There were the lighting of firecrackers,
poetry recital by fellow teachers
and a choir show by the students.

And afterwards, there were photo sessions
for the students and their class teachers. 

So, tengok je laaa beberapa foto  
of students and their teachers.

Oops...ada jugak foto kandid 
sepanjang majlis pelancaran.

Tiba-tiba ada Wak Doyok semasa majlis...
So, Medan and Kak Nani tak nak melepaskan peluang nak forfullerrrr
dengan wak doyok iteeww....

Pasukan pancaragam SERENGKA.
Mulut nganga sebab letih menyanyi?

Cikgu kelas Tahun 2 yang sado, tumbang keletihan
dan disambut oleh anak-anak murid nya yang kecik
dan hampir menjadi penyek macam ayam penyet.

Kumpulan Koir and Pancaragam SERENGKA.

Cikgu Firdhauz sedang berdeklamasi sajak....gtewwwsss

Cikgu Sidi pun nak bersyair jugak....kelezzzz best suara.

Auntie Roslind nak berselfie sekejap.....gtussss
So, setakat ni dulu.
Ada lagi cerita nyerrr
keep an open eye to my blog yaaa...

Kalah dan Menang

when class teachers became lunatics;
this happen!

TAHNIAH to my Year 6 students. 
You all did sooo well during Bulan Bahasa. 
Kalah menang adat bertanding.
Yang penting....kita seronok belajar 
dan berlatih untuk semua pertandingan.

Now, i'm ever so ready for their next competition!
It'll be their first biggest competition ever.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Busy April

that very busy April

sepanjang bulan ni sibuk sentiasa
sampaikan tak dak masa nak blogging kannn
boleh pakai tak alasan i tu?

at the moment i'm practically busy
with training my students for a choir  competition
talk about training some monkey- like naughty students
it's like quarelling, minus the biting
and chewing of bricks!

it's like that!
but, nevertheless they're my students
and i think winning this competition
is not as important as having fun learning
to do choir.

so, here's hoping that all will be
great and the show will be just as
weird as the teachers who taught them.
Well, actually, only one teacher was weird,
the other one is just perfectly normal.

More stories coming up
about this weird month of April.
See y'alss soon.