Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Busy April

that very busy April

sepanjang bulan ni sibuk sentiasa
sampaikan tak dak masa nak blogging kannn
boleh pakai tak alasan i tu?

at the moment i'm practically busy
with training my students for a choir  competition
talk about training some monkey- like naughty students
it's like quarelling, minus the biting
and chewing of bricks!

it's like that!
but, nevertheless they're my students
and i think winning this competition
is not as important as having fun learning
to do choir.

so, here's hoping that all will be
great and the show will be just as
weird as the teachers who taught them.
Well, actually, only one teacher was weird,
the other one is just perfectly normal.

More stories coming up
about this weird month of April.
See y'alss soon.

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