Thursday, April 30, 2015

Sambutan Bulan Bahasa SERENGKA Part 3

Ni pulak pertandingan Koir 
Lagu Bahasa Melayu
dan lagu Bahasa Inggeris.
Meriah sangat u'olsss....

A picture worth a thousand words.
So...when there were gazillion pictures
you will get a telephone directory.

Please, don't ever quote that!

Okay enjoy looking at the photos yahhh...
Photos courtesy of my very cute housemate.
Hahahaha....terima kasih Zizie.

Tahun 5, the champion for the
choir competition. Champion sebab ada Carlos Kujat.
Kalau kat USA, Kujat ni boleh dikategorikan sebagai
Breakthrough Artist. Gtuuusssss.... Year 6 students. Tegaaaakkkk jerrr
macam nyanyi Negaraku...

My cuties from Tahun 2. Very entertaining.

Kelezzz kannn gambar yang Zizie ambik ni...
my students really looked cute!
I wonder, kalau i pulak yang diambik gambar....
mesti i nampak cute jugak kannn....(matilaaa perasan...)

Tahun 3 with their performance of
Puteri Santubong.

So..there you have it, folks.
The choir competition was a MÀJOR success.
Tahniah for the winners.
and tahniah also for me....
because i was able to sing (albeit in low voice)
all the songs....emmm...except for some lines from
the song...Che Awe Donde....

(tiba-tiba jaaa ada statement nak puji diri sendiri!!)

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