Thursday, September 13, 2018

Recipe : Mee Kolok Sarawak

Kolo mee or mee kolo 
is a type of Sarawak noodle dish, 
characteristically light and tossed 
in a transparent sauce.
Kolo mee is a Sarawakian favourite, 
and is served any time of the day 
for breakfast, lunch, and supper.

Kolo mee is distinguished 
from other Asian noodle dish recipes. 
Kolo Mee is not drenched in dark soy sauce 
and water is not added to the noodles when served. 
Kolo mee comes in two common flavours: 
plain or seasoned with red sauce.
Kolo mee usually served with soup and soy sauce, 
to give the dish a darker appearance 
and enhance its saltiness.
Kolo mee noodles are springier than wantan noodles.
The noodles came with a generous filling of minced meat. The kolo mee is topped with spring onion and fried onion, giving the dish a sweet crunchiness.

Mee Kolok Sarawak

Blanched egg noodles
Beef stock
Sliced beef
Minced garlic
A pinch of pepper
Thick soy sauce
Diced chives

Fry the minced garlic in some hot oil until fragrant, 

then removed the garlic. Reserve the oil for later. 
Use the oil to lightly fry the blanched egg noodles. 
Add in some thick soy sauce for a bit of color. 
Then add in a pinch of salt and pepper. 
Stir and fry lightly. Set aside in a bowl.

Using the same wok, stir fry some sliced beef, 
fried garlic, diced chives and coriander, 
chilies with a ladle of beef stock. 
Stir fry until the sauce thickens, 
and then turn off the flame. 
Now, add in the fried noodles 
and mixed them together. 
Serve in a bowl, topped with extra chilies or sliced beef. 


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