Monday, December 19, 2016

Happy Belated 9th Birthday

happy belated birthday!

yohhh...9 tahun nekkk....bukan 90 tahun...adoiii...

yohhh...terlupa i...

rupa-rupa nya 
dah sembilan tahun dah usia blog i ni...
kalau ikut standard sekolah
dah dalam kelas Tahun 3...
tahun depan dah masuk Tahun 4

thanks to everyone 
the real followers; 
the silent followers
the occasional visitors
the frequent downloaders
and the original copyright owners

as uols can see
i have added something into my blog
now, everything in my blog is protected one can right-click and save 
the articles and photos from my blog anymore.
i had to do this in order to protect my copyright 
and the copyright of the people and articles 
featured in my blog. 

here's to another wonderful year ahead
more stories on anything 
or in this case; something by tauhhid. 

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Malam Anugerah Cemerlang SERENGKA 2016

foto sekitar majlis 
Malam Anugerah Cemerlang SERENGKA 2016.

for the third time
majlis anugerah peringkat sekolah 
diadakan pada sebelah malam

walaupun tidak begitu dipersetujui 
oleh beberapa orang ibubapa
tapi i bertegas nak buat majlis tu 
pada sebelah malam, baru laa ada feel sikit...
sesiapa yang tak setuju dibuat sebelah malam...
i akan lepaskan event ni...biar diaorang buat sendiri.

anyway, not thinking about that anymore - 
these are several photos of that event
photos by little Miss Noria Jimmy, RGM and yours truly. 

so, enjoy looking at the photos yaa...

Into The Woods; for barbecuing...

berbarbeque di dalam hutan
adalah salah satu aktiviti yang cukup santai
sekiranya cuma melibatkan tujuh orang sejaaa...

sesi memanggang manok di dalam hutan

Miss RGM bersama ahli Kelab Bahasa Malaysia...empat ekor jaaa

thanks to miss RGM 
and her four Bahasa Malaysia club members
for inviting.

"pakai seluar bunga-bunga.."
Mr. Azizi jadi pemanggang manok

berdarah hidong tengok ayam panggang yang nyemmmsangat!

seronok lepak-lepak 
dalam hutan 
melantak ayam panggang
and sosej bakar
then berfoto-foto
and mandi-manda 
di sungai 
ehem...i cuma jadi tukang tengok jaaa
tak reti nak berbakar-bakar
(pemalas alasan sebenar nyerrr...)

sementara tunggu manok panggang siap...lepak-lepak tepi sungai.
sik boleh mandik dolok!

sesi berbarbeque bermula pukul 3.30 petang 
and then we all balik ke skool pukul 6.00 petang
tak boleh nak lama-lama sangat
hutan mula gelap seawal pukul 5.30 petang...
air sungai pun semakin sejoookkkk

pemandangan rimba 1

pemandangan rimba 2

tiba-tiba si Tanggai disuruh pakai topeng daun...

kalau ada peluang...
nak ikut lagi lah yerrrr...

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

The Year 6 students and silver-head teddy bear

special dedication to my Year 6 students

all the best in your future
keep studying
keep playing sports
keep singing
keep dancing
keep your head up high
but remember 
to keep your heart low and humble

with the Year 6 boys
Mr. 'Ayak' Mathew, Mr. Ugai, Mr. Ericsson,
Father Joseph, Mr. Calvin Entah,
Encik Mo and Mr. Morisson 

with Miss Linda Martopo

with Miss Daniella 'Jendela@Pintu'...

berfoto pesen skematon...
sebelum bergambar pesen ntah-apa-apa

stay humble
stay humble
stay humble
and enjoy life

berfoto dengan Miss Anya, Miss Noria,
Mr. Calvin Entah and Mr. Augustine Ugai

warm silver-head teddy bear hugs and wishes;

Monday, October 31, 2016

HAPPY : Sports Day Bonus Features

ehh...hari sukan pun ada 
bonus features jugak taww...

so..enjoy jerr laaa menengok 
gambar-gambar yang sediakan di sini

jangan laaa marah ngan i 
kalo ada gambar yang uols rasa tak best. 

walaopun tak best di mata uols, 
to me, they're honest and generous fotos. 

so, enjoy looking at the fotos yahh....

Dirgahayu SERENGKA

fotos by mtz

HAPPY : Muzikal Bonus Features

masih ada banyak 
bahan fotografi yang boleh dikongsikan

so, the photos here are featured as
bonus contents
just for the fun of it.

enjoy looking at the photos yaahh....

dirgahayu SERENGKA

photos by mtz