Tuesday, November 29, 2016

The Year 6 students and silver-head teddy bear

special dedication to my Year 6 students

all the best in your future
keep studying
keep playing sports
keep singing
keep dancing
keep your head up high
but remember 
to keep your heart low and humble

with the Year 6 boys
Mr. 'Ayak' Mathew, Mr. Ugai, Mr. Ericsson,
Father Joseph, Mr. Calvin Entah,
Encik Mo and Mr. Morisson 

with Miss Linda Martopo

with Miss Daniella 'Jendela@Pintu'...

berfoto pesen skematon...
sebelum bergambar pesen ntah-apa-apa

stay humble
stay humble
stay humble
and enjoy life

berfoto dengan Miss Anya, Miss Noria,
Mr. Calvin Entah and Mr. Augustine Ugai

warm silver-head teddy bear hugs and wishes;

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