Tuesday, December 22, 2015

belajar semasa cuti

mengajar dan belajar semasa cuti.

gunakan masa seoptimumnya...
waktu cuti...bercutilah
walaupun semasa bercuti 
ada tugas-tugas lain 
yang kena dibuat.

mengaku sekarang....
harus ada ketika you all bercuti
tiba-tiba gatal tangan 
tiba-tiba gatal kaki
nak buat kerja
sebab bosan....
ada kannnn.....jangan tak mengaku.
berdosa kalau menipu!


Tau tak slanga tu apa?

Bagi kumpulan linguis atau pengkaji Bahasa, 
slanga ni memang diaorang tahu apa maksudnya…
Tapi bagi sekumpulan besar masyarakat yang lain… 
yang bukan pengkaji linguistic atau kebahasaan,  
mungkin tidak sebegitu maklum dengan istilah ni. 
Tapi semuaaaaaaa orang memang akan pernah 
menggunakan slang / slanga tanpa diaorang tahu 
yang diaorang dah termenggunakan slanga. 
Eh…ada kaaa istilah “termenggunakan”?

Sebelum I teruskan…
pernah tak you all guna perkataan –perkataan ni…

mangkuk ayun
mat saleh
mat rempit
macam siot
gila babas
abang sado

haaa….inilah dia contoh-contoh slanga.

kalau nak tau maksud yang lebih terperinci…
nih, i cedok dari wikiMalay dan Wikipedia.
Tak payah laaa you alls pecah kepala 
nak fikirkan maksud nyerrrr….

Dari malayslang.wikia.com
Slang is the use of informal words and expressions 
that are not considered standard in the speaker's dialect or language. 
Slang is often to be found in areas of the lexicon 
that refer to things considered taboo. 
It is often used to identify with one's peers and, 
although it may be common among young people, 
it is used by people of all ages and social groups.

Haa…tak paham pulak…ok…
“Slang adalah penggunaan perkataan-perkataan tidak rasmi
dan juga ekspresi yang tidak dianggap standard 
dalam bahasa dan dialek penutur sesuatu bahasa. Kebanyakan slang digunakan sebagai bahasa yang bercirikan tabu atau paling senang nak cakap…bahasa mencarut! Kebiasaannya, slang digunakan oleh golongan muda…namun kini penggunaan slang adalah lebih meluas dikalangan berbagai usia dan juga kumpulan sosial.

Tak salah kalo nak menggunakan slang ni…..
slang ni cuma menjadi salah kalo digunakan 
dalam urusan-urusan rasmi; contohnya....
macam korang hantar laporan harian kat manager ker…hantar surat kat Perdana Menteri kerrr…
tulis karangan dalam exam kerrr….
memang mintak kena campak laaaa dokumen tu 
kalo korang nak guna slang.

Slang lebih seswaiii kalo digunakan 
oleh kumpulan remaja atau belia. 
Well, tak bermaksud yang orang tua atau warga emas 
tak boleh guna slang…cuma nampak janggal je laaa…
just imagine, a nenek sebut….
"kerlazzzzz…abang sado gtewwww….!”


Friday, December 18, 2015

laugh in texts

how do you tell
the person your texting 
that you're laughing?

here's some more pictures
of how some people around the world 
text their giggles.

and here's mine.


Friday, November 27, 2015

Tirai Penutup SERENGKA 2015 : The Year 6, The Sporty Class Teacher and The Lunatic Witch

these are a few of our group photos
with everyone's present.

thanks to Zizi
for allowing me to use these photos...
taken straight from instagram.

Tirai Penutup SERENGKA 2015 : Taman Malam


nak la jugak tayang-tayang 
hasil kerja design pentas kennnn....

thank you kat semua yang sudi 
menyumbangkan tenaga dan idea
untuk bagi grand lagi design pentas
bertemakan "Night Garden" ni...


Tirai Penutup SERENGKA 2015 : the Grammy Awards Acceptance Speech

haaaa....berdebu sangat kannn
speaking-speaking kat blogpost sebelum ni...

Cikgu Firdhauz
photo by MTZ
so, seterusnyerrr...
i nak ucapkan terimakasih kat semua 
yang turut sama membantu menjadikan 
Majlis Anugerah Kecemerlangan SERENGKA 2015
sebuah kejayaan yang teramats

Emcee and The Technicians
photo by MTZ

biarpun majlis cuma berlangsung 
selama dua jam tiga puluh minit
namun persiapan sebelum majlis 
mengambil masa berhari-hari

The Story-Teller
photo by Noria Jimmy

dan tanpa kerjasama dari you alls
i rasa majlis yang dirancang ini 
akan jadi like any other majlis anugerah
kategori simple-simple
and you people know 
how i prefer doing it in a grand manner
buat besar-besaran gtewwwssss....

The Photographer
photo by MTZ

and so....kat sini i nak buat step zapin
(macam laaa dapat tengok kannnn...)
dan ucapkan terima kasih yang tak terhingga
untuk semua warga SERENGKA yang terlibat.....

MizRinda and Kakak Conny
photo by Fakhrul Azizi
copyright FAR

ehemmm ehemmm....
i nak buat macam masa i terima 
Grammy Awards dulu lahhh....
heheheheh...sempat berangan!

thank you God 
for giving me the strength to endure and the serenity
and for giving me the greatest people supporting me 
in my career...

thank you to everyone in SERENGKA
for believing in my vision and supporting my ideas
in making this year's award ceremony
the most wonderful ever....thus far.

Guru Besar, 
Mr. Hamdan, 
Mr. Henry
Mr. Sidi, 
Mr. Chabo,
Mr. Francis, 
Kak Nani, 
Wak Akmal,
'Abang Sado' Mr. Firdhauz 
Mr. Rosuan
KoreaFace Cikgu Shaz....thanks for the performances
Roji and Amir
Cik Magdelene
Puan Di
Bro Dino....
Abang Tanjong yang kiut...hahahaha
Kakak Conny
Aya' Matthew 'Hallo'
Puan Rosni
Auntie Roselind
my housemate...Zizi...
RGM & MizRinda

and the special thank you to my dearest mangkis
my Year 6 students.

wahhh...rasa macam terima Grammy Awards sungguh!

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Tirai Penutup SERENGKA 2015 : The Showcase

so...as promised
i present you
the first part in this series of blogposts
The Showcase

during the award giving ceremony
held in my school
everyone was entertained by the students
showcasing their talents on stage
in five segments.

for the first segment
everyone was entertained by the preschoolers
reciting Bahasa Malaysia pantun
and singing Terima Kasih Cikgu.
The segment was conducted by the lovely 
preschool teacher and matron - 
Miss RGM and also Kakak Connie.

for the second segment 
everyone was entertained with a short musical sketch 
performed by another group of students from 
Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5.
it was a parody sketch of a famous play 
by the late Tan Sri P. Ramlee.
entitled "Achi Achi Buka Pintu"

Another group of students later 
danced to a traditional song 
performed by Saloma.
The song was entitled "Ketipang Payung".
Several girls of Year 4 and Year 5 performed the danced.
they performed very well and they danced quite graceful.

the fourth performance of the night 
was a theatrical play
performed by several Year 5 boys
and all of the Year 6 students.
It was an interesting play
entitled "Hang Tuah & Hang Jebat".
And here are some of the photos of the play.

and the last performance of the night 
was a medley of "Terima Kasih Cikgu" songs.
the first song was the Upin & Ipin's version
which was performed by all the students;
facing towards the audience.

and the second song was the original version 
of the famous "Terima Kasih Cikgu" song.
the song was performed by all the Year 6 students;
and this bit was the most emotional part of the night.
(oiiihhh...here comes the waterworks! hehehe...)

well....people, there you have it.
the first part of this series. 

mmm...just in case you're wondering - 
all the performances (except the preschoolers')
were choreographed, trained and written by 
the ever-so-talented
Mr. KoreaFace...Cikgu Shazni.


thank you to FAR
All photos by Fakhrul Azizi Roslan
used under permission
Copyright FAR