Thursday, November 26, 2015

Tirai Penutup SERENGKA 2015 : The Showcase promised
i present you
the first part in this series of blogposts
The Showcase

during the award giving ceremony
held in my school
everyone was entertained by the students
showcasing their talents on stage
in five segments.

for the first segment
everyone was entertained by the preschoolers
reciting Bahasa Malaysia pantun
and singing Terima Kasih Cikgu.
The segment was conducted by the lovely 
preschool teacher and matron - 
Miss RGM and also Kakak Connie.

for the second segment 
everyone was entertained with a short musical sketch 
performed by another group of students from 
Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5.
it was a parody sketch of a famous play 
by the late Tan Sri P. Ramlee.
entitled "Achi Achi Buka Pintu"

Another group of students later 
danced to a traditional song 
performed by Saloma.
The song was entitled "Ketipang Payung".
Several girls of Year 4 and Year 5 performed the danced.
they performed very well and they danced quite graceful.

the fourth performance of the night 
was a theatrical play
performed by several Year 5 boys
and all of the Year 6 students.
It was an interesting play
entitled "Hang Tuah & Hang Jebat".
And here are some of the photos of the play.

and the last performance of the night 
was a medley of "Terima Kasih Cikgu" songs.
the first song was the Upin & Ipin's version
which was performed by all the students;
facing towards the audience.

and the second song was the original version 
of the famous "Terima Kasih Cikgu" song.
the song was performed by all the Year 6 students;
and this bit was the most emotional part of the night.
( comes the waterworks! hehehe...)

well....people, there you have it.
the first part of this series. 

mmm...just in case you're wondering - 
all the performances (except the preschoolers')
were choreographed, trained and written by 
the ever-so-talented
Mr. KoreaFace...Cikgu Shazni.


thank you to FAR
All photos by Fakhrul Azizi Roslan
used under permission
Copyright FAR

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