Friday, November 27, 2015

Tirai Penutup SERENGKA 2015 : The Year 6, The Sporty Class Teacher and The Lunatic Witch

these are a few of our group photos
with everyone's present.

thanks to Zizi
for allowing me to use these photos...
taken straight from instagram.

Tirai Penutup SERENGKA 2015 : Taman Malam


nak la jugak tayang-tayang 
hasil kerja design pentas kennnn....

thank you kat semua yang sudi 
menyumbangkan tenaga dan idea
untuk bagi grand lagi design pentas
bertemakan "Night Garden" ni...


Tirai Penutup SERENGKA 2015 : the Grammy Awards Acceptance Speech

haaaa....berdebu sangat kannn
speaking-speaking kat blogpost sebelum ni...

Cikgu Firdhauz
photo by MTZ
so, seterusnyerrr...
i nak ucapkan terimakasih kat semua 
yang turut sama membantu menjadikan 
Majlis Anugerah Kecemerlangan SERENGKA 2015
sebuah kejayaan yang teramats

Emcee and The Technicians
photo by MTZ

biarpun majlis cuma berlangsung 
selama dua jam tiga puluh minit
namun persiapan sebelum majlis 
mengambil masa berhari-hari

The Story-Teller
photo by Noria Jimmy

dan tanpa kerjasama dari you alls
i rasa majlis yang dirancang ini 
akan jadi like any other majlis anugerah
kategori simple-simple
and you people know 
how i prefer doing it in a grand manner
buat besar-besaran gtewwwssss....

The Photographer
photo by MTZ

and so....kat sini i nak buat step zapin
(macam laaa dapat tengok kannnn...)
dan ucapkan terima kasih yang tak terhingga
untuk semua warga SERENGKA yang terlibat.....

MizRinda and Kakak Conny
photo by Fakhrul Azizi
copyright FAR

ehemmm ehemmm....
i nak buat macam masa i terima 
Grammy Awards dulu lahhh....
heheheheh...sempat berangan!

thank you God 
for giving me the strength to endure and the serenity
and for giving me the greatest people supporting me 
in my career...

thank you to everyone in SERENGKA
for believing in my vision and supporting my ideas
in making this year's award ceremony
the most wonderful ever....thus far.

Guru Besar, 
Mr. Hamdan, 
Mr. Henry
Mr. Sidi, 
Mr. Chabo,
Mr. Francis, 
Kak Nani, 
Wak Akmal,
'Abang Sado' Mr. Firdhauz 
Mr. Rosuan
KoreaFace Cikgu Shaz....thanks for the performances
Roji and Amir
Cik Magdelene
Puan Di
Bro Dino....
Abang Tanjong yang kiut...hahahaha
Kakak Conny
Aya' Matthew 'Hallo'
Puan Rosni
Auntie Roselind
my housemate...Zizi...
RGM & MizRinda

and the special thank you to my dearest mangkis
my Year 6 students.

wahhh...rasa macam terima Grammy Awards sungguh!

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Tirai Penutup SERENGKA 2015 : The Showcase promised
i present you
the first part in this series of blogposts
The Showcase

during the award giving ceremony
held in my school
everyone was entertained by the students
showcasing their talents on stage
in five segments.

for the first segment
everyone was entertained by the preschoolers
reciting Bahasa Malaysia pantun
and singing Terima Kasih Cikgu.
The segment was conducted by the lovely 
preschool teacher and matron - 
Miss RGM and also Kakak Connie.

for the second segment 
everyone was entertained with a short musical sketch 
performed by another group of students from 
Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5.
it was a parody sketch of a famous play 
by the late Tan Sri P. Ramlee.
entitled "Achi Achi Buka Pintu"

Another group of students later 
danced to a traditional song 
performed by Saloma.
The song was entitled "Ketipang Payung".
Several girls of Year 4 and Year 5 performed the danced.
they performed very well and they danced quite graceful.

the fourth performance of the night 
was a theatrical play
performed by several Year 5 boys
and all of the Year 6 students.
It was an interesting play
entitled "Hang Tuah & Hang Jebat".
And here are some of the photos of the play.

and the last performance of the night 
was a medley of "Terima Kasih Cikgu" songs.
the first song was the Upin & Ipin's version
which was performed by all the students;
facing towards the audience.

and the second song was the original version 
of the famous "Terima Kasih Cikgu" song.
the song was performed by all the Year 6 students;
and this bit was the most emotional part of the night.
( comes the waterworks! hehehe...)

well....people, there you have it.
the first part of this series. 

mmm...just in case you're wondering - 
all the performances (except the preschoolers')
were choreographed, trained and written by 
the ever-so-talented
Mr. KoreaFace...Cikgu Shazni.


thank you to FAR
All photos by Fakhrul Azizi Roslan
used under permission
Copyright FAR

Tirai Penutup SERENGKA 2015 : teaser trailer

get ready for another set of blogposts;
featuring many more students
colorful backdrops
twinkle lights
and other people's photos....

Untitled photo by Fakhrul Azizi Roslan
used under permission
Copyright FAR

coming soon...
very - very - very soon.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

jangan bersedih....lagik bagus kita have fun! jum....berfutsal!


semakin dekat nak habis semester kedua
semakin galak buat aktiviti ko-kurikulum kannnn...

learning should be continuous
regardless during formal classroom session
or mini-football match.

tapi nak story jugak kat sini....
acara perlawanan futsal ni telah diadakan
pada 17 November yang lepas
iaitu hari pengumuman keputusan UPSR.

my dear Year 6 students
memang nervous sejak dari pagi
menunggu keputusan ujian diaorang.

so, bila dah tengahari 
selepas dapat keputusan UPSR
(dan selepas segmen airmata - termasuklah diri ini...)
it's time to have fun.
melupakan kesedihan gitu....
for your info, my students agak sedih sebab tak mendapat
keputusan yang mereka inginkan....
but for me, i was quite happy with the results.
so, dengan bersukan begini...diaorang dapat
melupakan perasaan sedih mereka...
termasuklah diri ini juga...hehehehe...

eh...ada lagi...sebelum perlawanan futsal tu...
ada jugak satu masalah lagi...
sehari sebelum perlawanan futsal tu...
padang skool kitaorang disinggahi oleh banjir
sebab HUJAN datang sepanjang malam...
eh, bukan band HUJAN tu...

so, sepanjang hari isnin sebelum perlawanan futsal
students dan cikgus buat muka frust
tak boleh nak enjoy futsal.
the hujan stopped and the flood receded.
haa...kan i dah kata! 
sebab tu laaa kena sentiasa positive thinking
beroptimist dan sentiasa sebut in shaa Allah... subjek Pendidikan Islam.

so...i persembahkan kini...
beberapa foto yang i ambik
semasa perlawanan futsal.

baju oren...Zizi penyelaras...baju itam...Roswhere reff....

Wak Akmal....sebagai emcee kejohanan

tahan napasss...hehehe... jurulatih-jurulatih 

Guru Besar bagi ucapan pelancaran....sik pakey mekropon youuu....
coach from Korea...baru jaa balik dari Jepun...terus train budak futsal...gtewwsss
aaaa...diaorang sendiri yang mintak diambik gambar
pesen Kepit Aleesya yerrr...i tak suruh pun...hehehe

thank you to my dear housemate
yang juga penyelaras perlawanan futsal itewww
kerana sudi melantik i jadi fotografer
walaupun dia tahu i masih lagi learninglearning
nak ambik gambar gituhhhh.....

dan TAHNIAH untuk unit Ko-Kurikulum
secara keseluruhannya atas kejayaan menganjurkan 
aktiviti yang cukup menghiburkan.
jangan sedih-sedih lagi yerrrr....


Perkhemahan : segmen 'wefie'

groufie / wefie 
plural - groufies / wefies
(also groupie / welfie - we+selfie)
terminology : photography
definition :  selfie involving multiple subjects

hehehe...sempat belajar bahasa inggeris jugak kannnn...

fessy-fessy pun nak jugak bergambar kannnnn....

terus lompat ke majlis penutupan perkhemahan.
takdak cerita sangat...
cuma nak kongsikan gambar 
sesi group photo dan 'wefie'

sesi 'wefie'...fotografer terus dilupakan...gtewwssss

macam-macam pesen daaaa....

mana-mana y'als laaa...asalkan happyyy....hehehehe


so, tahniah buat seluruh warga SERENGKA
kerana berjaya mengadakan 
Perkhemahan Bersepadu Unit Beruniform 2015.

oh...dan terima kasih jugak untuk Wak Akmal
sebab bagi peluang kat i untuk handle 
Malam Bakat Perkhemahan 2015
dan jadi 'jurufoto kurang prektis'...hehehe
merendah diri gtewww...


Monday, November 23, 2015

Perkhemahan 2015 : Tak Boleh Nak Pandang Belakang...Mata Kena Ikat Sudaaa

tajuk panjang tak hingat dunia...
hoh hoh hoh hohhhh...
gteewwwsss...kunun nak buat seram laaa...

memang tak sah perkhemahan
kalau takdak aktiviti jalan-jalan dalam hutan
sambil ikat-ikat mata
waktu malam

most of the night's activities were done
on the first night of camping.
so...the students were already tired
but still excited.

permainan yang best
adalah mencari ahli pasukan
dan meraba-raba mencari fessy.

memang lawak bila para pelajar 
buat bunyi bising mencari geng.
kemudian bila dah jumpa geng...
fessy-fessy buat jahat pisah-pisahkan diaorang.
menjerit laaaa budak-budak tu...

"tolooongggg...jangan pisahkan kami!"
"pegang tangan kuat kuat!"
"siapa cikgu jahat ni?"
"semua! berpaut kuat-kuat! jangan bagi peluang mereka pisahkan kumpulan kita!" 

gtewwwwsss....dramatik tak dramatik
students i.

anyway...everyone had fun during the activity.