Friday, May 31, 2013

Camera-Phone Photography : Where's My Order?

my niece, in Lomography mode.

mana aku punya order?
lepak-lepak makan malam di 
Taman Selera, Kampung Seberang Sarikei....

nasik goreng dengan ayam kukus 
berkuah black pepper
bestttttttt sangat y'alssszzzz!!!!
tapi, no picture;sebab ayam itu laju sangat 
terjun masuk dalam perut i. 

Title : Where's My Order?
Photo : mtz
Copyright Reserved

camera-phone photography : LOMOGRAPHY+POLAROID

testing LOMOgram
mode Polaroid Wide.....

boleh laaaa....
dah nama nya kamera phone kan...
lagipun app Android jenis free download.

Title : Roadside Beauty
Photo : mtz
Copyright Reserved

Thursday, May 30, 2013

geng-geng yang sama jugak GEMINI macam i...cuma diaorang ni lagi femes (part 1)

nota: perkataan yang di'highlight" merah 
adalah gurauan sahaja...heheheh

hehehe...sesajerrr nak berangan 
kunun-kunun orang yang berbintang GEMINI 
banyak yang famous 
maklumlah kannnnnnn
i pun berbintang Gemini jugak!

okay, i perturunkan di sini 
beberapa nama orang berbintang GEMINI yang famous 

Johnny Depp
9 June
pelakon, pemuzik, pemilik kilang cokelat, lanun

uncle ni memang ngetop abesss kalau berlakon.
mula-mula femes dulu masa 21 Jump Street, 
kemudian dia meletops bila dia berlakon 
dalam filem Edward Scissorhands. 
sekarang ni, Pirates Of The Carribean adalah fevret i. 
tak busan nonton tau...walaupun dah berulangkali nengok.

Angelina Jolie
4th June
pelakon, supermodel, watak computer games, 
agen perisik, bini Brad Pitt!

hah...sapa yang tak kenal ngan Kak Jolie ni 
dipersilakan terjun sungai. boleh korang tak kenal ngan 
akak ni? Angelina Jolie memang hebat kalau berlakon, sebagai Lara Croft, sebagai Mrs. Smith 
dan jugak sebagai Gia. tapi dia paling femes sebagai 
penggiat Misi Kemanusiaan United Nation. 
ye lah kannn...bila takdak job, pegi la tolong orang. 

Bear Grylls
7th June
pengembara, pakar langsung-hidup, selebriti realiti TV, 
bekas askar, tukang masak makanan yang dia sorang jerrr sanggup makan.

Gemini British ni suka sangat mengembara 
masukkeluar hutan, naikturun gunung dan 
makanminum benda yang tak senonoh. 
yes, dia pernah minum urine dia sendiri tau. 
camana dia dapat nama Bear tu? 
well, nama sebenar adalah Edward, kemudian geng2 dia panggil dia Eddie, kemudian menjadi pulak Teddy. 
kemudian family dia lah kot, kasik nama dia Teddy Bear.
last-last, melekat pulak nama Bear tu.......
gitewww lah al-kisahnya.....

7th June
komposer, pemuzik, penyanyi, artis  yang paling banyak nama samaran.......

yaapp....korang mungkin kompius ngan orang nih! 
ni bukan Micheal Jackson! seorang genius dalam dunia muzik Amerika. very the chameleon.....

Jamie Oliver
27th May
chef, personaliti TV, tukang masak kenduri kawen

si lidah pendek ni memang potpetpotpet kalau memasak. silap haribulan tertembak sikit masuk dalam masakan dia. 
anyway, memang minat nengok cara dia masak, 
memang cepat sangat......
sebab banyak guna barang instant kotttt........

Frank Lampard
20th June
pemain bolasepak mid-fielder CHELSEA, 
model HUGO BOSS, 
jurulatih pasukan bolasepak SK Nanga Kain

ehhh....y'alss jangan ingat Gemini ni 
banyak ke kesenian jerrr yerrrr...
Frank Lampard kat atas tu pemain bola sepak 
yang femes tau. bila dah femes, dan ada pakej muka dan body meletops...senang-senang jer boleh dipilih sebagai model fesyen houte couture por homme

okeh...setakat ni dulu.... nanti sikit i akan sambung lagik ngan bahagian kedua blogpost i yang sensasi nih. 

sketsa panggilan telepon yang misterius dan sesuatussssangat!

selalu sangat dapat panggilan 
dari entah apa punya nombor nih....
naik geram pun ada.....

dah lah berulang-ulang kali,
kemudian asyik bertukar-tukar nombor pulak tu...
hiiiihhhhh...geram betul.

so, kemudian i cuba lah angkat....

Hello, boleh saya bercakap dengan Encik Mohammad Tauuu....hid?"
(ces! sebut nama i pun macam susah!)
Yes...saya yang bercakap sekarang.
Oh, yes, apa khabar Encik Mohamad? Boleh saya panggil Encik Mat saja?
Eh, jangan lah...itu nama datok i...kompius i nanti. 
so, what purpose is this call?
(hah...i dah mula bukak spekking sleng-sleng London gitew)
Em, Mr. Mohamad, i'm calling on behalf of Bank (secret), 
which is the provider of your credit card. am i right? What's it about then?
(masih berbunyik London... ceewaaahhh)

okayyyy....kat sini i nak terus ke isi penting 
perbualan telepon misteri nih.
kunun-kunun nyerrrr
dia tu wakil dari sebuah syarikat insurans, 
dan bank yang supply kad kredit i tu 
ada buat somekind of joint insurance 
dengan syarikat diaorang. 
dia pun mula laaaaa terangkan 
tentang plan insurans syarikat dia....
i pun dengar laaaaa...
sambil angguk-angguk kepala. 
macam laaa orang tu nampak kannn? 
last-last dia pun tanya sama ada i berminat atau tidak. 
katanya, kalau i berminat, i kena 
serta menyatakan nombor security kad kredit i. amboiiiii......sesuatussssangat! 
tak boleh jadi ni....

so, i jawablah kat orang tu....
Maaf ye...i rasa i tak nak lah dengan plan insurans tu, 
sebab i already got two insurance policies, 
one is for saving plus hospital benefit, 
and another one is life insurance.
 i'm sorry lah yerr, 
i terpaksa tolak tawaran insurans you itu. 

oh, kalau begitu tak mengapalah Encik, salah, Encik Mohamad.
Oh, it okay...
Harap saya tidak mengganggu urusan harian Encik Mohamad tadi.....
oh, tak...tak menggangu sangat pun, saya tadi pun tengah tengok ulangan rancangan America's Next Top Model.
aaa...(seakan-akan bunyi macam terkejut dan tak percaya!)

semenjak dari hari tu, 
i semakin malas nak mengangkat 
panggilan telepon dari nombor yang i tak kenal. 

begitu lah al-kisah nyaaaaaa

cuba y'als bayangkan kesengsaraan yang terpaksa y'als tanggung mengusung benda ni
kalau henpon tak wujud!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Kawan Mas Tragedy 28th May 2013

my thoughts and prayers 
to the families of the bereaved 
in the sunken boat tragedy
in Kapit.

may God bless them 
with forgiveness
and care.


as on 28th May 2013

the ill-fated Kawan Mas express boat, picture was taken minutes before capsizing. 

KUCHING: A total of 181 passengers of an overloaded express boat travelling from Belaga to Kapit which sank near Giam Tukok, Bungan Tanjung this morning have been rescued.

Belaga police chief DSP Bakar Sebau confirmed the number of survivors to The Borneo Post in a telephone interview at 4.15pm.

He said the authorities believe 23 passengers are still missing, following interviews with family members and survivors.

According to him, the express boat, which had a capacity for 74 passengers, is likely to have struck a rock before it sank.

sunken Kawan Mas, as seen from air.

A team of police divers from Bintulu is on its way to the site.

Another team of police and paramedics from Kapit is expected to arrive in Belaga around 7pm.

Assistant Minister of Culture and Heritage Liwan Lagang, who is Belaga assemblyman, was travelling from Belaga to Kuching in a helicopter when he saw the express boat go down.

The helicopter then landed and Liwan managed to organise villagers from two longhouses to assist in a rescue operation, which managed to rescue some 30 passengers.

Liwan then returned to Belaga where he is helping to co-ordinate the search and rescue for victims as well as assist family members of passengers yet to be found.

The express boat is said to have been overloaded with passengers, mostly Iban and Orang Ulu timber camp workers from Bakun, who were on their way to Kapit for Gawai Dayak.

The Belaga District Office confirmed that the express boat had departed Belaga at 8am and sank about an hour later.

No reports of casualties are available yet.

The boat was too full to pick up passengers from Belaga and as such many civil servants could not board including three Kapit Resident’s Office staff.

Belaga hosted the district’s pre-Gawai gathering last night, so many were in the town to attend the event.

some of the passengers managed to swim ashore,
as they looked on helplessly to the sinking boat.

as on 29th May 2013

family members were having a hard time accepting the news

KAPIT: The first two batches of survivors of the express boat ‘Kawan Mas’ that sank at Tanjong Kokok, Bungan Giam, about an hour downstream of Belaga Bazaar about 9am Tuesday arrived here late in the afternoon.

The first batch of 11 passengers arrived at 5.30pm on board a barge (Bintang Warisan) while another batch comprising three passengers arrived by speedboat belonging to Tuai Rumah Bujah at 6.30pm.

One of the three passengers was 44-year-old Ikam Kanyan from Sungai Asap Resettlement Scheme. He was a tractor operator working with WTK Logging Camp in Bakun. Another was Galong Sanidom, 43, of Rumah Melintang, Sungai Kapit, a colleague of Ikam, also a tractor operator. Another survivor is identified as 61-year-old Ipoh Bangsa from Rumah John, Nanga Benin. He is a truck driver with WTK O’carina Development Camp in Bakun.

Galong and Ipoh were on their way home to celebrate Gawai.

They were sitting on the roof of the express boat.

Galong said they left Bakun at 5.30am on board ‘Kawan Mas’, arrived in Belaga at 7.30am and left again for Kapit at 8am. The express boat capsized at 8.45am at Tanjong Kokok.

“We managed to swim to safety but our belongings and our money are all gone,” Galong said when met at the wharf here.

Jantan Budin, 55, from Rumah Nyawai, Mujong, Baleh River was among 11 passengers in the first batch, who were picked up by a passing tongkang ‘Bintang Warisan’. He is a lorry driver with a logging company belonging to Shin Yang.

Another victim identified as 30-year-old Tingi Baja from Rumah Lubang, Sungai Mujong, Baleh River is also a lorry driver with Sinyang Logging Camp. He said he was sitting inside the express boat when the accident happened.

“The boat was packed to capacity. Everybody panicked when they realized the express boat was sinking.”

Meanwhile, Sarawak Rivers Board has set up two counters at Belaga Wharf and Kapit Terminal to record the victims ’statement and to determine the total number of passengers on board the boat before it went down.

According to Belaga police chief, DSP Bakar, the express boat had the capacity to carry 75 passengers but believed that there were 204 passengers on board when it sank.

pictures and articles are taken from Borneo Post Online and facebook
Copyright 2010-2013 BorneoPost Online.
All Rights Reserved.

Friday, May 24, 2013

ber'bebenten' atau pun berfoto?

MizRinda yang magik sangat! Boleh menjadi tiga orang tuuuuu....

gigih betul laaaaa
diaorang nih berbebenten
meriah sangat....

ada SiComel Medan, Mr. WK, Mr. KoreaFace and ada Mr. Amir....

i tak join sama kerrr nak bermain badminton?
well, pada masa i ambik gambar nih...
i rasa kurang mood nak main...
so, i kept myself happy
by just being a photographer....

kalau rasa malas nak main...boleh lepak-lepak jerrrrr.....gitussssss

yap, i masih main badminton...
but i don't play as much.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

A Simple Dedication to Mrs. Sim...Happy Retirement

before i start; here's a disclaimer:

All the photos featured in this blogpost are copyrighted. i made no financial profit (whatsoever) either from this blogpost or this blog. The usage of the photos is for entertainment purposes only. I kindly thank the owners of these photos...and please, don't send me 'hate e-mails' for using the photos without prior consent. i kindly request to the owners of the photos to leave their names and their comments, and i'll be more than happy to edit this blogpost and include their name here. again, i thank you for your consideration. 

My favourite lecturer is retiring......

she is one of the most 
creative, caring and lovable person 
you could ever meet. 

She is
ANGELIA LEE; or better known as 

i'm fortunate 
to have been her student.
she taught me how to be considerate to my students
and to be passionate of my teaching career.

from the bottom of my heart, 
i thank you; Mrs. Sim

m tauhhid zawawi
Pengajian Inggeris / Kajian Tempatan 
1998-2001's some photos of her and my classmates (and me; of course) during those heydays of Pengajian Inggeris/Kajian Tempatan 1998-2001. this blogpost is dedicated to Mrs. Sim. enjoyyyyyyyyyy.....hehehehehe....

Mrs. Sim and Mrs. Yu.....two awesome lecturers. 

Mrs. Sim and her fellow classmates!

find her...........

Mrs. Sim's attempt at singing.  i don't remember the song though.....hmmm

she's the coolest!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

the Maneki-Neko

jangan laaa salah sangka...
Maneki-Neko yang i tunjukkan 
dalam video-art i itu..
cumalah untuk dekorasi rumah sahaja....
bukan untuk tarik duit atau kekayaan....
only God can bestows wealth....
not a toy cat.

according to Japanese culture....
a Maneki-Neko is often used to attract 
wealth, prosperity and luck. 

but to me....
my Maneki-Neko is my welcoming gesture
for guests to my house.

my latest 'accidental' video-art creation

selepas setahun lebih tak buat video-art
baru jerr semalam upload video yang terbaru....
cuma agak biasa dan tak se'kesenian' sangat laaa
merendah diri gitewwww

Maneki-Neko in Surround Sound 
from mohd tauhhid 
on Vimeo.

video ni dirakam pada pagi semalam
sebelum i pergi ke kelas nak mengajar
pasang lagu kat laptop
kemudian jalan mundar-mandir kat dalam rumah
sambil bawak secawan kopi

ternampak laaa mini HD videocam i
yang dah lama tak diguna
check battery...tinggal dua bar.
memory.....16 minit je yang tinggal. 
so cuba merakam....
dan inilah hasilnya....
tak lah sehebat mana kannn.....
(merendah diri)

but anyway...
i do hope you would enjoy my 
spontaneous video creation....
surely, i'll be creating more videos this year.
in sha Allah...
God willing. 

the video contains the sample "Senandung Maaf" by White Shoes And The Couples Company; (Aprillia Apsari/Yusmario Farabi); Minty Fresh Records. Copyright Controlled

happy belated Teacher's Day everyone

to all of my students 
yang cukup kreatif 
menghasilkan kad ucapan
Selamat Hari Guru.....

i simpan semua kad yang diberikan
dan ada juga yang i lekatkan 
kat dalam buku skrap i.

again, thanks.

kegilaan memuat naik gambar makanan ke dalam laman sosial, internet; petanda orang sakit mental

panjang gila tajuk!

ini lah dia kes dengki yang paling best! 
kalau artikel ni dibuat oleh seorang penjawat awam,
berkemungkinan besar dia boleh dapat
anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang; 
ataupun panggilan yang lebih senang - APC. kerrr sakit mental?
i cuba ingat balik......
maybe true in my case laaa...
sebab i punya perangai pun bukannya senonoh sangat!

tapi, suka hati orang lah kan.
orang yang suka ambik gambar makanan ni
sekadar mahu berkongsi food culture jerrr....
kan sharing is caring!

kalau betul laaaaa
perangai ambik gambar makanan 
adalah petanda sakit mental, 
maksudnya; banyak lah orang kat dunia ni yang sakit mental.

okay...kita buat macam ni, 
sesiapa yang punya "kegilaan" ambik gambar makanan, 
kita pakat ramai-ramai ambik gambar muka huduh penulis artikel tu. 


Sunday, May 5, 2013

makan-makan di mahkamah! haaa?

breakfast di pagi pilihanraya....

well, anyway, 
here are a couple of photo that i took this morning
while having breakfast with my friends. 

lepak-lepak kat Gelanggang Kenyalang Food Court
hehehe...Mahkamah Makanan Gelanggang Kenyalang
gitusssss sangat kannnn....


even the former Malaysia Prime Minister
Tun Dr. Mahathir and his wife Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah
made to paint their fingers blue.

now, that's cool.

photo courtesy of Datin Marina Mahathir
used without prior consent.
photo is copyright protected

blue fingers...and paws.

hari untuk Pilihanraya Umum...
sana-sini orang sibuk mengundi. 
tapi yang paling menarik 
adalah fenomena telunjuk berwarna biru.

i'm not going into details about this phenomena 
or about the General Election. 
i want my blog to be...well,
somewhat neutral.

i made the photo-grid above using 
some of the photos that my friends 
put up on their facebook. 

thanks; in advance!

foto-grid di atas dihasilkan dengan mengguna
foto hak milik peribadi individu-individu 
yang DIRAHSIAKAN identiti mereka.