Thursday, May 23, 2013

A Simple Dedication to Mrs. Sim...Happy Retirement

before i start; here's a disclaimer:

All the photos featured in this blogpost are copyrighted. i made no financial profit (whatsoever) either from this blogpost or this blog. The usage of the photos is for entertainment purposes only. I kindly thank the owners of these photos...and please, don't send me 'hate e-mails' for using the photos without prior consent. i kindly request to the owners of the photos to leave their names and their comments, and i'll be more than happy to edit this blogpost and include their name here. again, i thank you for your consideration. 

My favourite lecturer is retiring......

she is one of the most 
creative, caring and lovable person 
you could ever meet. 

She is
ANGELIA LEE; or better known as 

i'm fortunate 
to have been her student.
she taught me how to be considerate to my students
and to be passionate of my teaching career.

from the bottom of my heart, 
i thank you; Mrs. Sim

m tauhhid zawawi
Pengajian Inggeris / Kajian Tempatan 
1998-2001's some photos of her and my classmates (and me; of course) during those heydays of Pengajian Inggeris/Kajian Tempatan 1998-2001. this blogpost is dedicated to Mrs. Sim. enjoyyyyyyyyyy.....hehehehehe....

Mrs. Sim and Mrs. Yu.....two awesome lecturers. 

Mrs. Sim and her fellow classmates!

find her...........

Mrs. Sim's attempt at singing.  i don't remember the song though.....hmmm

she's the coolest!

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