Friday, November 30, 2012

Kapsul Masa Sarikei


i'm a big fan of this blog. 

this blog chronicles the development 
of everything about Sarikei. 
my hometown. 

klik to go to Sarikei

significantly relevant is the title
hats off to the admin....
i think i could never do what he did...
great research and documentation. 

keep it up, 
and thanks for featuring my village
(Kampung Selalang)
and for featuring some of the contents from my blog
on Sarikeians official facebook....


photos courtesy of : 
© Sarikeians Photos via facebook, 
Sarikei Time Capsule®

Thursday, November 29, 2012

jemput makan : 紅龜粿

masakan Cina kerrr? kuih tradisional Cina....
teruskan membaca.....

or Ang Ku Kue as it was known in Chinese
is a wonderful kueh...or dumpling.
nowadays, this kueh is a favourite not only among the Chinese,
but also to the Malays, Indians and many other different races in Malaysia....

in Bahasa Malaysia, 
this kueh literally means 
"kuih kura-kura merah" 
or "red tortoise dumpling" in English. 

this kueh is made using glutinous flour, 
and for the filling...
it can either be sweetened red bean paste 
or groundnut paste mixed with white sugar.
the red colour comes from red food colouring. 

i love eating this kueh....
because of it's sweetness and stickiness...
hehehe..or maybe because it is red...

jemput makan : ROTI BAKAR

kelezzzz engkau Siah....
sanggup jenguk blog aku 
sebab nak tengok apa yang aku makan 

ni dia satu hidangan yang best banget!
roti bakar AIK SENG Restaurant, Sarikei....

tengok laaaa...
memang sedap sangat!
roti dibakar sekejap...
kemudian disapukan mentega kacang,
serikaya dan mentega....

kemudian roti bakar ni ditunangkan lagi 
dengan secawan kopi O kaw....
haduiiii.....memang best laaa....

sebab itu laaa
kebanyakan penduduk Sarikei kata
"roti tunok Aik Seng nang nyaman ehhh...."


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

jemput makan : BAKSO

for the convenience of my international readers
the following blogpost will be in Bahasa Malaysia
and English Language.

korang nihhh...kalau pasal makan....
memang cepat bukak mata yerrr....
ketara sangat kuat makan....
tak macam i yang molek nih...
makan setakat untuk hidup jerrr...
(yeeee leee tuuuuu.......)

my next dish in this segment....
something Indonesian...
here is bakso. 

meaning - beef balls, but there are a few variants, 
there's chicken bakso, bakso ikan(fish), 
bakso udang(prawn) bakso telur(egg)
and there's this very special one;bakso tenis,
meaning - tennis ball bakso! can actually eat tennis ball!
it is actually beef balls the size of a 
- you guessed it - tennis balls!

BAKSO is originally an Indonesian recipe,
but it has a hint of Chinese influence...
the word "bakso" is a twist of the Hokkien words
肉酥 - pronounced as 'bah-so', meaning shredded meat. 

well, bakso is usually served with noodles or vermicelli, or sometimes kuey teow
and always in a bowl of beef broth or soup. 
this bakso that i'm featuring is available at 
Popular Food Court in Sarikei....

best eaten during this rainy season!

jemput makan : NASI LEMAK

for the convenience of my international readers
the following blogpost will be in Bahasa Malaysia
and English Language.

nasi lemak.....atau dalam bahasa orrreng puteehhhh -
rice fat! hahahahaha....

no laaa...there's no such thing as 'rice fat'.
if 'nasi lemak' is what it was in Bahasa Malaysia;
then, 'nasi lemak' it will be in English language.
hammmboiiiihhhh...berhabok spekking gitewww kan nyah?

okeyyy...nasi lemak here actually means
fragrant rice cooked in coconut milk.
then, the word 'lemak' here also means 'creamy'.

nasi lemak is a traditional dish famous among the Malays.
but nowadays, nasi lemak has won the hearts of every Malaysians.
the condiments vary according to one's personal preference;
some like it with extra spicy anchovy sambal,
some might even want it with curry,
some like it with pickles,
some like it with pineapple chutney...
and...psstt...some even like it with tempoyak!
what's tempoyak? well, it's fermented durian curds.

anyway, it's anyone for their liking....
so, come to Malaysia, and enjoy a plate of 
very yummy nasi lemak.

makan time

"eh, i tengok you sekarang slim laaaa....tak tembam macam dulu lagi..."
" kerrrr? sukenyerrrr....terima kasih le banyak-banyak ye nyah!"
"ke...ko pakai baju besar sebenarnya?"
"mau jeeee aku lempang ko ni!"

cerita makan-makan sajerrrr yeerrrrr....

kalau dah cuti tu
memang cuti sangat-sangat
sampai tak tahu apa nak dibuat lagi dah!

nak melencong...
eh, salah! melancong...
macam malas jerrr rasanyerrr...

nak duduk rumah 
sambil berdekorasi bersama Eric Leong...
lepas deko...macam tuuuu jugak kesudahannya;
bersepah diserang anak-anak sedara!

nak memasak...
boring jugak...i memang DIVA sangat;
jenis bercuti sepenuhnya. 

nak blogging?
tengok lah ni...dah berapa lama dah takdak cerita baru!
hehehehe....tak berinspirasi gitewwww

kesudahannya, blog i akan aktif semula 
dengan adanya aktiviti makan-makan
dan kunun-kunun perasan diri ini adalah seorang foodie dan pakar makanan. 
ye lah tuuuuu...pakar lah sangat....

sebab itu lerrr....
i buat beberapa blogpost kali ni 
lebih kepada aktiviti memenuhkan perut; 
so you all just have to bear with me....
and enjoy looking at the photo of the delicious foods. 

i tak boleh nak ajak you all makan bersama - 
sebab i tahu you all ni zalim;
dan pelahap sangat. 

kalau ye pun marah, jangan laaa main baling batu!
i gurau jerr laaaa...aduiii.....

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

mari ke pantai

jum lepak-jalan-berehat
di tepi pantai.....

bayu laut yang kencang
gelombang besar
pasir lembap
langit mendung
suasana memang very relaxing.....

ada masa akan ke sini lagi
Pantai Gerigat, Nyabor.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

makan lagi...inilah dia, KOMPIA

makan lagiii.....tak sudah sudah.....
sik alah - alah...kata orang Sarawak....

well, i nak share info about this very wonderful treat...

these are KOMPIA.....a Chinese traditional bread. 
you might wonder..."bread...why so small meehhh...?"
well, bread doesn't necessarily have to be big, enuff said!

kompia is a very simple bread,
it can be eaten with different sauces or dip...
it can be eaten with rendang, curry, tuna spread, 
coconut milk custard (serikaya laaahhhh!)
chilli sauce, tomato sauce, mayonnaise, 
thousand island dressing also can...
sweetened condensed milk also can.... can be eaten just as it is....


thank you to Ati Mamora 
for allowing me to use the picture....

jauhnyeeee...dari Vietnam kerrr?

ketandusan cerita semenjak dua-menjak nih....

okehhhh...biasanya kalau i ketandusan cerita tu..
i akan cuba mulakan dengan cerita makan-makan
and...since this is a free-style content based blog...
i don't feel that sharing information about food 
would do anyone harm!

amboiiii...berhabok speaking LONDON gitewww.....
kejap lagi berteraborlah grammatical errors nyeerrrrr!

okay lah kak Munah i nak cerita dah...
sebelum balik bercuti hari tu, 
i bermalam dahulu di Kapit....sesaja...
and bila dah bermalam di Kapit tu...
i biasanya akan melepak bersama family Kakak Ross. 

pada malam tu, 
i ajak lah kakak Ross and laki dia 
pergi melepak and makan malam bersama.
laki kakak Ross pun bawaklah makan 
ke satu tempat yang best sangat.
tapi, spoil pulak, i tak tau apa nama tempat tu....
diaorang cuma kata tempat tu lebih dikenali sebagai 
"tempat makan dekat Jabatan Laut"
yang peliknye...Kapit bukan nya tepi laut! aneh!

menu banyak yang jenis lazim jerrr....
nasi ayam goreng laaaa
nasi goreng ayam laaa...
nasi goreng belacan laaa
mi goreng laaa...
nasik ayam penyet dilanggar lori laaa....
typical sangat...

tapi ada satu yang menarik perhatian i....
macam resepi best jerrr...
tapi i yakin sangat tak ramai yang suka...
tapi for me, it was the best!
memang puas hati...sebab rasanya menarik sangat. 
tengok jerrr laa gambar kat bawah ni....

sedap, sebab nasinya digoreng dengan kicap manis, 
sos lada hitam, sos tomato....
dan ada cebisan ikan bilis yang digoreng rangup!
tapi yang buat best adalah, 
nasiknya digoreng bersama bunga kantan!
itu lah yang best nyerrrr........

anyway, kalau ada peluang, 
memang i akan cuba lagi nasi goreng Vietnam nih...
best sangat!

don't hate me 'coz i'm beautiful
but hate your boyfriend 
because he thinks i'm beautiful
(statement datang gila meroyan! hehehehe)

Sunday, November 11, 2012

FABRIC : the starting point...and a few sketches!

i think it's high-time 
to start my blogposts for November...
just let me collect all my materials first though...

i saw these funny sketches 
done by a fellow colleague 
just have a look okay....

and of course....
there's a sketch of me....

hehehe...this will do...
even though i know 
i'm a lot cuter in real life
or in HD format/resolution....

thanks to this dude for the sketches - Amirulizan Hamzah
or better known as Dato' Amir! 
ooopss...he's transferring to a new school...
so, enjoy your new place yahhh...

all sketches were created using 
Samsung GALAXY S III.....

(in Bahasa Malaysia: 
semua lakaran adalah hak milik peribadi/persendirian Amirulizan Hamzah. )

Sunday, November 4, 2012

My Personal Pick : Maroon 5 "Sunday Morning"

have a great Sunday everyone....

i promise....
great stories are coming up....
you guys would just have to wait 
for few days...

in the meantime, 
you guys enjoy listening to 
Maroon 5 okay....