Thursday, November 29, 2012

jemput makan : 紅龜粿

masakan Cina kerrr? kuih tradisional Cina....
teruskan membaca.....

or Ang Ku Kue as it was known in Chinese
is a wonderful kueh...or dumpling.
nowadays, this kueh is a favourite not only among the Chinese,
but also to the Malays, Indians and many other different races in Malaysia....

in Bahasa Malaysia, 
this kueh literally means 
"kuih kura-kura merah" 
or "red tortoise dumpling" in English. 

this kueh is made using glutinous flour, 
and for the filling...
it can either be sweetened red bean paste 
or groundnut paste mixed with white sugar.
the red colour comes from red food colouring. 

i love eating this kueh....
because of it's sweetness and stickiness...
hehehe..or maybe because it is red...

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