Tuesday, November 29, 2011

MasterChef Malaysia


makin minat pulak i 
menonton Masterchef Malaysia.

Malaysia's version of the competition
is quite polite....
sesuai lah kan....
penuh berbudi bahasa
dan kurang konflik....
best sangat....

terkeluar dari topik sekejap - 
i think,
in order to succeed, 
tak perlu timbulkan terlalu banyak isu
ataupun konflik
berjuang (strive) in an orderly manner
and tak perlu timbulkan suasana tegang....
because in the end, 
the victors are usually forgotten!

back to the point-
Masterchef Malaysia memang best gilerrrrr!
kekadang tu, berangan jugak i 
nak ikut serta bertanding dalam 
rancangan tu....
tapi, i have better things to do.....
gitewwwwwww sangat la impian i kannnnn.....

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Mak uiiiii.....apa benda kat tajuk atas tuuu?
Baca dulu petikan yang i salin dari wikipedia ni.....

Topher Grace, Sir Paul McCartney, Lord Baden Powell, Kurt Cobain

In Bahasa Malaysia:
Kedwicekatan (bahasa Inggeris: ambidexterity) merujuk kepada keadaan seseorang individu yang mampu menggunakan kedua-dua belah bahagian tubuhnya dengan cekap, contohnya seperti bahagian tangan. Keadaan ini adalah berbeza dengan seseorang yang kidal.

Meskipun ciri ini jarang ditemui, kadang-kala seseorang individu yang kedwicekatan mungkin menggunakan salah satu daripada tangan kiri atau kanannya lebih kerap. Darjah serba boleh dengan setiap tangan biasanya merupakan faktor kualitatif dalam menentukan kedwicekatan seseorang.

Di zaman moden ini, orang yang dianggap ambidekstrus biasanya merupakan seorang kidal pada asalnya.
Rafael Nadal, Manny Pacquiao, Maria Sharapova, Pele
In English: 
Ambidexterity is the state of being equally adept in the use of both left and right appendages (such as the hands). It is one of the most famous varieties of cross-dominance. People that are naturally ambidextrous are rare, with only one out of one hundred people being naturally ambidextrous.The degree of versatility with each hand is generally the qualitative factor in determining a person's ambidexterity.

In modern times, it is more common to find people considered ambidextrous who were originally left handed and who learned to be ambidextrous either deliberately or during childhood institutions such as schools, jobs where right-handed habits are often emphasized or required. Also, since many everyday devices (such as can openers and scissors) are asymmetrical and designed for right-handed people, many left-handers learn to use them right-handedly due to the rarity or lack of left-handed models. Thus, left-handed people are much more likely to develop motor skills in their non-dominant hand than right-handers (who are not subjected to left-favoring devices). Right-handers may become ambidextrous due to an injury of their right hand or arm. Ambidexterity is often encouraged in activities requiring a great deal of skill in both hands, such as knitting, typing on a computer, juggling, swimming, percussion, keyboard music, baseball, lacrosse, surgery, boxing, martial arts and basketball.
Mick Hucknall, Katy Perry, Jamie Olliver, Adam Levine

So, ada sesiapa tak yang dikenalpasti 
sebagai ambidextrous kat dalam dunia ni? 

Manny Pacquiao (mamat yang best sangat berboxing tu....)
Maria Sharapova (kakak yang terkenal main tenis)
Kurt Cobain (mamat yang legendary dari band NIRVANA)
Rafael Nadal (abang yang ngetop sangat bermain tenis jugak)
Leonardo Da Vinci (artisan)
Sir Paul McCartney (pakcik yang dalam band The Beatles tuuu...)
Lord Baden Powell (atuk pengasas Pengakap tuuu....)
Topher Grace (pelakon watak Spiderman jahat tu...alaa, Venom laaa)
Beethoven (komposer klasikal)
Jamie Oliver (alaaa...chef yang masak-masak tuuu...)
Mick Hucknall (penyanyi utama Simply Red)
Katy Perry (penyanyi pop)
Pelé (lagenda bolasepak)
Adam Levine (penyanyi utama Maroon 5)

so...am i ambidextrous?

i think so....
because i can work with both hands....
and sometimes (although quite rare...)
both at the same time...especially during cooking!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

WSATCC : Ye Good Ol' Days (unofficial video)


Disclaimer: The video contains the audio track YE GOOD OL' DAYS by White Shoes & The Couples Company. The video was made with the purest intention and wasn't meant to violate the copyright ownership of the song. The video was made solely for entertainment purposes, and I will not benefit from it financially. This video was not the official video for the song. I own the copyright ownership of the stock footage and still images, and White Shoes & The Couples Company owns the copyright ownership for the song. I would like to extend my sincerest thanks and gratitude to the band for their understanding on the above matter. Thanks.

here's my latest video project;
and it was BIG! my biggest video project ever!
there were about over 70 children
(yuppp! that's right...70!)
modeled for this video....
and it took me almost four and a half hours
to group, choreograph and direct 
the students.....

and then, when recording was over...
it's back to the computer....
and it took me about 5 days to compile
and edit everything.....

there were two other versions 
but i think this one is my favourite
because it is more "carefree" 
and it's the liveliest of the versions......


super-immense-dinosouriously big thanks to
the students of SK Nanga Kain

the band and the producer/s
White Shoes & The Couples Company

the video was 
choreographed, designed, edited, directed and produced by
m tauhhid z

Monday, November 21, 2011

A FOODIE'S TAKE ON...what is it about chicken soup?

chicken soup for the soul...
kata orang....

but for me, 
it is more for the heart....
it's warm, filling, 
easily salty, sweet, spicy and mildly tangy;
fill the heart with quiet care and comfort

anekdot gitewww statement 
kat atas tu kan?

sebelum balik untuk bercuti
i lepak sekejap di Kapit.
kemudian ada undangan makan malam 
oleh kakak Ross and her husband...
cuma ada satu syarat...
i kena buat sup ayam, 
sebab Ross kata laki dia teringin 
nak rasa my chicken soup....pulakkkk!!!

okay laaa....
so, i prepared this yummy - 
traditional white pepper chicken soup;kampung style....
hehehehe...laku sup ayam i malam tu.
thank you for inviting me for dinner.....

Sunday, November 20, 2011

SERENGKA (Bahagian 2) - Cikgu Baru


i'm dead sure 
that this blogpost 
will be a hot one!

SERENGKA's latest edition...
Mr. Amirulizan Hamzah....
better known as Cikgu Amirul...

so, welcome to SERENGKA...
and wishing him all the best 
here, in SK Nanga Kain. 

p.s. - thank you for helping me cross over the 'bloody-shaky' bridge masa di jeti Kapit. hehehehe...i'm very penakut gitewww...

SERENGKA (Bahagian 1) - Students Yang Sporting

these are
my little darlings....

amboi amboi amboi....
(jangan lupa cuit-cuit jari kelingking tu)

hehehehe....these four pictures
are my favourites.

sporting sangat students i ni...
disuruh bergambar 
sambil baring-baring 
tengah padang pun 
sanggup jugak diaorang.

gambar-gambar ni
diambil semasa 
Perkhemahan Bersepadu Kokurikulum
pada 11-13 November 2011.

seronok sangat 
dapat jadi full time 
pada masa tu...
cuma i guna kamera yang murah jerrr.......

Saturday, November 19, 2011

anekdot: seawal pagi di jeti dan di atas bumbung bot

kelezzzz kau kak senah...
panjang tak hengattt dunia punya tajuk!

biasanya setiap kali tamat penggal sekolah,
i akan buat blogpost yang teramatlaaaaa panjangnya....
but, at the moment...
i'm not thinking of doing one just yet....
so, until that time
i'll share just about everything
that i might find interesting....
like this one....

the photos are
pictures of some of my friends/colleagues
waiting at the jetty
as early as 5.00 am....
just imagine how cold it was!

and then the express boat came..
and it was full!
so...most of us had to sit on top of the boat.
terpaksa jadi pekak sekejap bila dah sampai Kapit...

so...that's it for now....
you guys will just have to wait
for that so-called very longgggggg blogpost...

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Foodie's Take On....berbagi masak!

tak lama lagi dah nak cuti.

bila dah dekat nak cuti ni, 
datanglah idea nak masak 
yang sedap-sedap buat gengsi.

so, yesterday
masa nonton AFC, 
ada laa ditunjuk resepi 
masakan daging....
Chinese-style fried beef with white pepper...

dialog bersama Mr. WK:
WK   : Nampak macam best je, Hid...
MTZ : Ye le kan...boleh cuba tu.
WK  : Ko buat la, nanti aku potong daging dalam fridge tu.
MTZ : Eh, bagus sangat tu! 
         So, this would mean that i'll be doing the cooking then?
WK  : Hehehe...nanti aku ajar laaa camana masak dia!
MTZ : Kalau giteww, ok!

Begini la rupa 
masakan daging & lada putih 
yang dah siap tuuu....

nyemmm sangat tawww...
sebab you all tak dapat nak rasa....
zalimzzz sangat statement i ni kan?

Saturday, November 12, 2011

baik lah tuan.....

perkhemahan bersepadu
unit Ko-Kurikulum...

i will share this story
with you guys....

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

William Blake

To see the world in a grain of sand, 
and to see heaven in a wild flower, 
hold infinity in the palm of your hands, 
and eternity in an hour.
William Blake

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

pencuri yang baik hati.....

petikan dari 
facebook i.... hehehehehehe

sudah kemasssss.....


jangan lerrr jealousss
meja i dah dikemas dah...
santeeekkk sangat dah tau..

sekarang dah tak bersepah lagi...
kertas-kertas ujian yang tak dipakai
dah dikumpul dan dibuang

buku-buku rujukan dah disusun 
dalam laci pun dah dikemas
debu-debu per"chenta"an pun dah dibuang
siap letak pokok bunga lagiii.....
oh...bersih gitewwww.....
i bersyukur sangat-sangat
letih nih....lepas mengemas!
hah...Niena Rizal, apa macam sekarang?

i telah mengupah tiga orang pelajar 
untuk tolong kemas meja i....
hehehehe....pecah rahsia!
kejamzzz sangat i  ni kannn.....

Sunday, November 6, 2011

cikgu yang menjadi nurse sementara.....

pagi-pagi raya aidiladha pulak
dah jadi nurse....
meng"injection"kan my dad....

kalau dulu-dulu punya syringe 
memang susah....
tapi bila guna Lilly HumaPen ni....
senang sangat....

although diabetic...
i hope my dad can live a healthy -
and happy life

Saturday, November 5, 2011

kucing siam yang kejam itewwwww....

ada ka patut?
orang tengah sibuk-sibuk 
kemas rumah untuk raya esok....
dia sedap-sedap pulak tidor!
dalam stroller pulak tu!

ON THE BOAT.....balik beraya!

Lama dah tak buat segmen
"On The Boat..."
occayyy...ini dia 
the latest version....  

ini gambar-gambar 
balik berhari raya....
and ada yang pergi vacation...
bervakansi gitewwwww.....

balik bercuti untuk Aidiladha...
sempat jugak nak 
        bergambar-gambar ceria
        berposing-posing manja
        berborak-borak kosong
        mengunyah keropok
bersama gengsi-gengsi 
di dalam bot......
Sarjan Misai yang konfiden sangat
ditugaskan menjaga haluan bot..... bolehlaaaa.....
gengsi-gengsi ganazzz
sedap-sedap duduk kat belakang...
amboi amboi amboi........
it was an enjoyable time
tiga serangkai.....
dimana-mana mesti nak duduk bersama...
kenyit mata untuk
(disusun ikut kedudukan dalam bot...)
Sarjan Misai
Miz Rinda
Kakak Hoss
and then..me, (tapi takkan nak ucap untuk diri sendiri kannnn)
Ujang Azizi Azizon
Mr. WK
and a special hats-off untuk driver nyaaaa
Mr. Matan Bagai....

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A FOODIE'S TAKE ON...dinner party...kinda'!

asyik nak makan jer yerr........

rendang daging dengan pucuk ubi.......
not my recipe... it was actually Wan Kamarol's....yumm!

dinner party last night was great. 
not exactly a party
it was a simple dinner 
attended by my close friends and house-mates. 

well, this one is mine.
stir fried veggies with seafood wanton. hehehehehe
i should have taken some photos;
but, sorry....
i was too busy 
serving and eating 
that i forgotten to take any photos. 

thanks to:
Miss Linda@Miz Rinda
Miss Rufina@Miss RGM
Madam Rose@Kakak Ross
Mr. Zawawi@Sergeant Misai
Mr. Wan Kamarol@Mr. WK