Wednesday, November 23, 2011

WSATCC : Ye Good Ol' Days (unofficial video)


Disclaimer: The video contains the audio track YE GOOD OL' DAYS by White Shoes & The Couples Company. The video was made with the purest intention and wasn't meant to violate the copyright ownership of the song. The video was made solely for entertainment purposes, and I will not benefit from it financially. This video was not the official video for the song. I own the copyright ownership of the stock footage and still images, and White Shoes & The Couples Company owns the copyright ownership for the song. I would like to extend my sincerest thanks and gratitude to the band for their understanding on the above matter. Thanks.

here's my latest video project;
and it was BIG! my biggest video project ever!
there were about over 70 children
(yuppp! that's right...70!)
modeled for this video....
and it took me almost four and a half hours
to group, choreograph and direct 
the students.....

and then, when recording was over...
it's back to the computer....
and it took me about 5 days to compile
and edit everything.....

there were two other versions 
but i think this one is my favourite
because it is more "carefree" 
and it's the liveliest of the versions......


super-immense-dinosouriously big thanks to
the students of SK Nanga Kain

the band and the producer/s
White Shoes & The Couples Company

the video was 
choreographed, designed, edited, directed and produced by
m tauhhid z

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