Sunday, July 17, 2011

just keeping this one simple!

lama tak update ye?

bukan apa nok, 
banyak kerja sekarang nih. 
blogging tergendala sebentar. 

as you can see, 
i'm back!
after a few days of silence laaaa....

"Anything new?"
you might ask. 

you bet i do!"

coming soon, 
i'll be premiering two of my 
latest video creations, 
both will be in HD format. 
haaa.....kelezzzz gitewww!

no more stories on playing badminton?"
you might ask again.

no no no no no....."
i'm bored of telling it already. 
now, i'm just playing badminton;
and there's no need for me to tell
that i'm constantly losing!

padan muka aku!
riak sangat! 

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