Monday, July 18, 2011

A FOODIE'S TAKE ON...tell me, who doesn't like food?


how am i going to kick start after not blogging for a few days? 
well, no other way but to share something to do with food.......
tell me, who doesn't like food? 

kuih Cek Mek Molek...
berdasarkan maklumat yang i peroleh 
dari WK and Awie laa...
this kuih is a recipe by Sham Shaniz.

cucur sayur...
versi kurang sayur.

Popia daging, 
untuk minum petang,
hasil kerja tangan i ngan Kakak Hoss.
pesanan buat kakak hos,
jangan asyik menonton Marimau jak kerja,
nanti popia sik menjadi.

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