Friday, June 17, 2011

cerita dua tiga hari masa tak blogging

i'm keeping myself very-very-very busy at the moment. hahaha...but still i'm able to squeeze in some time for blogging.'s what been happening these past few days. 

Everyone in my school is up to their neck working for the coming sports' day. the countdown has begun, and hopefully the weather will be on our side.  

i'm working on creating more teaching aids for the three classes i'm teaching. i'm thinking of more picture cards, sentence strips and reading passages....and more time! 24 hours is not enough for me! helppp....!!! hehehehe

to make matters more interesting, i'm working on a two-part video montage for the upcoming Teachers' Day celebration for our school. Eh...lambatnya menyambut Hari Guru. tak kisah laa...yang penting adalah bertugas dan buat kerja sebagai guru, sambutan tak penting sangat kannnnn? for me, i don't live for praises, tak kisah tak diraikan pun, sebab yang paling utama ialah rasa bertanggungjawab dan keikhlasan melakukan kerja.   

last one, i've been assigned to edit and remix some music for the opening act during our school's sports' day. hmm...boleh laaaa.....

o my God! i just realized.....skrip emcee belum dibuat lagi!

Kak Idot : skrip dah siap ke cikgu Tohit?
MTZ       : (muka kerek) jangan risao laa,semua ada kat dalam kepala. hehehe...
Kak Idot : syukur...nasib baik la. 
MTZ       : (dalam hati: Parai lah aku! belum taip skrip lagi nih!) 

please,,,,jangan bagitau ngan orang lain, i sebagai emcee yang gemuk dan pemalas ni masih lagi dalam proses mencari ilham gitewww yerrr.......syyyy, diam-diam je tau! hehehehe......

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