Saturday, January 1, 2011

what's my resolution?

what yours?

i've heard so many resolutions made. some people made new resolutions specifically for the year. that made sense....and even some forward-looking people even made resolutions for the next decade...sensible, although almost bordering to psychotic (heheheheh....), and there are a few who said the most silliest thing, and i heard this during the celebration of the Y2K..

"my resolution for the next millennium is to ..."

i asked them, "come you actually think you are going to be around for the next one thousand year?" of course, i was joking with them. 

here are some of the most famous resolutions that people make every year:
  1. quit smoking.....
  2. loose some weight...
  3. get married....
  4. pay-off credit card/mortgage/student loan
  5. learn to drive...
here are some resolutions that people secretly make: 
  1. quit smoking....after a few puffs...and a few more puffs...and a few more puffs again....
  2. loose some weight..only after breaking the world record of eating 100 slices of cheese cakes in 15 minutes. 
  3. get married...after the approval of the first wife. 
  4. pay-off debts...of own's and spouse's...
  5. learn to drive...after learning to cope with the fear of driving...
well, i'm bored of making resolutions for this year...but i'd still have to. so, my resolutions for this years is
NOT TO MAKE ANY NEW RESOLUTIONS...until i'm done with last year's resolutions! hehehehe

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