Thursday, December 30, 2010

TIME's "Person Of The Year" goes to.......cue drumroll..!

here's my most loyal friend! he's cute..... and cuddly, never complaining, warm, fuzzy and oh soooo adorable. heralded as TIME'S PERSON OF THE YEAR. (but you know this isn't true y'all, this is one of those facebook apps in which you can upload your own picture and make yourself a cover of some magazine!)


okay....for those who are new to my blog, you might think, "This is pathetic! A grown up with a teddy bear?!" Some might even say "Get a life!" or maybe "This is absolute bonkers!"

hehehe...why can't i own a teddy bear?

well, at least i wasn't that vain to put my face on this make believe cover!

oopsss...some might think "The bear is a 'he'...?" Let me make this clear...BEAR, is my alter-ego! simple...

Monday, December 27, 2010

POEM : Pantun

The pantun is a Malay poetic form. The pantun originated as a traditional oral form of expression. The first examples to be recorded appear in the 15th century in the Malay Annals and the Hikayat Hang Tuah. The most common theme is love. In its most basic form the pantun consists of a quatrain which employs an abab rhyme scheme. A pantun is traditionally recited according to a fixed rhythm and as a rule of thumb, in order not to deviate from the rhythm, every line should contain between eight and 12 syllables. 
"The pantun is a four-lined verse consisting of alternating, roughly rhyming lines. The first and second lines sometimes appear completely disconnected in meaning from the third and fourth, but there is almost invariably a link of some sort. Whether it be a mere association of ideas, or of feeling, expressed through assonance or through the faintest nuance of a thought, it is nearly always traceable". 
The pantun is highly allusive and in order to understand it readers generally need to know the traditional meaning of the symbols the poem employs.


The Malay Text in the Original Jawi Script:
This text was published in A Grammar of the Malayan Language with an Introduction and
Praxis by William Marsden, London 1812, pp. 208-209. In 1984 Oxford University Press published
a photographic reprint of that work with the title A Dictionary and Grammar of the Malayan
Language by William Marsden with an Introduction by Russell Jones. The original manuscript of
the pantun is probably preserved in the library of the School of Oriental and African Studies of
the University of London. See M.C. Ricklefs and P. Voorhoeve, Indonesian Manuscripts in Great
Britain: a Catalogue of Manuscripts in Indonesian Languages in British Public Collections, Oxford:
Oxford University Press, London, 1977, p. 157, MS12158(4).

Link to this article:

Sunday, December 26, 2010

A FOODIE'S TAKE ON...comfort snacks

to be sick is depressing; and seems like the weather is promoting the viruses in the air. i am feeling weak, bored and depressed. plus, i have no appetite. 

or am i? 

top: tapioca chips
bottom: fried bread
my aunt really knows how to perk up my appetite. she came over with two of my favourite snacks. certainly, my mood is better now, eventhough my nose is still runny......

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A FOODIE'S TAKE ON...a bowl of sweet, cold cendol's been sweltering hot these past few days. so, nothing cools me down better than a bowl of this sweet and yummy cendol. hmm, i'm reminiscing here; the sweetness, milkiness, the icy-cold...the colour. a party of sensations for the tongue and eyes. 

Extra info: 
Cendol (pronounced /ˈtʃɛndɒl/) is a traditional dessert originating from South East Asia which is still popular in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore,Vietnam, Philippines and Southern Thailand.

There is popular belief in Indonesia that the name "cendol" is related to and originated from the word jendol; in Javanese, Sundanese and Indonesian language it means "bump" or "bulge", it refer to bumpy sensations of the green worm-like jelly passed through the mouth during drinking es cendol. In Malaysia, some cendol maker have been selling cendol for past three generation, since 1920th until now.

The dessert's basic ingredients consist of coconut milk, a worm-like jelly made from rice flour with green food coloring (usually derived from the pandan leaf), shaved ice and palm sugar. Next to these basic recipe, other ingredients such as red beans, glutinous rice, grass jelly, creamed corn, might also included.

A FOODIE'S TAKE ON....粿 koé (kuih)

Varieties of kuih:
Pulut Inti, Cucur Kuah, Kuih Lenggang, Kuih Selorot,
 Tauhu Sumbat, Cucur Kacang, Keladi Inti
Kuih (also kuehkue, or kway; from Hokkien: 粿 koé) are bite-sized snack or dessert foods. Kuih is a fairly broad term which may include items that would be called cakes, cookies, dumplings, pudding, biscuit, or pastries in English and are usually made from rice or glutinous rice.
Kuih Seri Muka
Apam Balik
Ang Ku Kue and Onde Onde
Kuih are more often steamed than baked, and thus very different in texture, flavour and appearance from Western cakes or puff pastries. Many kuihs are sweet, but some are savoury.
Kuih Lapis Bingka Ubi

Kuihs are not confined to a certain meal but can be eaten throughout the day. 
Kuih Lapis Kelapa
Kuih Kosui
Kuih Batik
The most common flavouring ingredients are grated coconut (plain or flavoured), coconut cream (thick or thin), pandan (screwpine) leaves and gula melaka (palm sugar, fresh or aged). While those make the flavour of kuihs, their base and texture are built on a group of starches – rice flour, glutinous rice flour, glutinous rice and tapioca. Two other common ingredients are tapioca flour and green bean (mung bean) flour (sometimes called "green pea flour" in certain recipes). They play a most important part in giving kuihs their distinctive soft, almost pudding-like, yet firm texture. 
a food-seller preparing some deep-fried kuihs:
spring rolls, prawn fritters and sweet potato fritters 

Monday, December 20, 2010

BUKU : Bacakan Saya Cerita

i'm starting a new category into my blog. welcoming.... BUKU (book). at the moment, i'm still catching up on my reading of this book. so far, i'm enjoying it.

Title : Bacakan Saya Cerita
Translation into Bahasa Malaysia by : Hajah Hamsiah Abdul Hamid
Translation Rights: Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka, Malaysia, 1994

Original title : Read Me A Story!
 Published by : The Asian Cultural Centre for UNESCO, Tokyo, 1991

Cik Nuri Shwe Gae
Story by: Mya Mya Than
Illustration : Kyaw Tun 

Poem : Suria Bukan Untukku Sahaja

kelambu malam yang dilabuhkan
dibuka; dan kini menampakkan
suria mesra yang mengusapi pipi
dan mencium dahi

hangat pagi mendakap seakan
enggan melepaskan
selesa membiarkan diri dipeluk lama
ah, suria bukan untukku sahaja!

m tauhhid z
"suria bukan untukku sahaja" Copyright © 2010  by m tauhhid z /

the night's curtain  
rolled, and now unveils
the friendly sun touching my cheek
and kissing my forehead

the sun's warmth embraces as if 
holding and never letting me go
such blissful feeling to be hugged
ah, the sun is not mine alone!

m tauhhid z
"the sun is not mine alone" translation of "suria bukan untukku sahaja" Copyright © 2010  

by m tauhhid z /

Sunday, December 19, 2010


hahaha.... petang semalam sempat meronda di pekan Sarikei, makan-makan kat restoran orang hidung mancung. 

well, what i want to share now is the vastness of choices for great food in Sarikei town. this time, i'd like to tell you about this place in Sarikei where they serve Pakistani's style food. the name of the restaurant is....Marhabah Cafe.'s not just the style, the cooks themselves are Pakistanis. say that they only serve authentic Pakistani food would be like telling a lie.  the restaurant also serve the usual Malaysian dishes, such as fried noodles, fried rice and different types of curries (chicken, beef and mutton). 

well, i'm not having any of those, in fact i tried something original....naan. here's the picture. 

Naan is cooked in a tandoor, or clay oven, from which tandoori cooking takes its name. This distinguishes it from roti which is usually cooked on a flat or slightly concave iron griddle called a tava. Modern recipes sometimes substitute baking powder for the yeast. Milk or yoghurt may also be used to give greater volume and thickness to the naan. Typically, the naan will be served hot and brushed with ghee or butter. It can be used to scoop other foods. 

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Tauhhidd.....! tolong aku!!!

there's a friend of mine who was afraid of mice. we had some discussion about it on facebook. but, i'm not going into details over this matter. but, we had a great laugh since i tagged my friend to this photo. 

Fear of mice and rats is one of the most common specific phobias. It is sometimes referred to as musophobia (from Latin mus for "mouse") or murophobia (a coinage from the taxonomic adjective "murine" for the Muridae family that encompasses mice and rats), or as suriphobia, from the French souris, meaning mouse. Dr. Genna Crosser is believed to be the first to have witnessed a patient with this disorder. She later also suffered from the phobia she studied.

The phobia, as an unreasonable and disproportionate fear, is distinct from the reasonable concern about rats and mice contaminating food supplies, which has been universal to all times, places, and cultures where stored grain attracts rodents, which then consume or contaminate the human food supply.
An exaggerated, phobic fear of mice and rats has traditionally been depicted as a stereotypical trait of women, with numerous books, cartoons, television shows, and films portraying hysterical women screaming and jumping atop chairs or tables at the sight of a mouse — for example, Mammy Two Shoes in Tom and Jerry. Despite the gender-stereotyped portrayals prior to the 21st century, Western musophobia has always been experienced by individuals of both sexes.

In many cases a phobic fear of mice is a socially induced conditioned response, combined with (and originated in) the startle response (a response to an unexpected stimulus) common in many animals, including humans, rather than a real disorder. At the same time, as is common with specific phobias, an occasional fright may give rise to abnormal anxiety that requires treatment. Fear of mice may be treated by any standard treatment for specific phobias.

seashells by the seashore

what better ways to spend the free time 
other than going to the beach; 
collecting seashells?


How do i start…and where do I begin…
Emm…here are some of the activities and happenings for 2010 in SK Nanga Kain. I’m going to do this first in Bahasa Malaysia, then for the convenience of the international followers, this post will be done in English. So, read on. Hehehehe….

Bulan Akademik
Sambutan bulan akademik diadakan sepanjang bulan april, dan tahun ni sambutan para pelajar sangat menggalakkan. Setiap panitia diperuntukkan tempoh seminggu bagi menjalankan aktiviti panitia masing2. Bulan Akademik dimulakan oleh panitia Science dan kemudiannya diikuti oleh Panitia B. Melayu, selepas itu Panitia B. Inggeris dan akhir sekali Panitia Matematik. Pada penghujung April, diadakan majlis penutupan bulan akademik yang telah dijalankan dengan amat meriah. Setiap panitia perlu mengadakan sekurang2nya satu persembahan yang akan dipersembahkan oleh para pelajar.

The Academics’ Month was celebrated throughout April with an encouraging participation of the students. Each committee were allocated a week’s time to carry out their activities. The Academics’ Month kicked off with the Science Week, proceeded by the Bahasa Malaysia Week, then the English Language Week and finally the Mathematics Week. The closing ceremony for the Academics Month was also a huge success. 

Gotong Royong Hari Guru
Sempena sambutan Hari Guru pada 16 Mei iaitu pada hari Ahad, satu acara gotong royong perdana telah diadakan pada 15 Mei. Apa boleh buat…..bergotong royong lah dengan rasa ralat. Namun bila berfoto tetap senyum sampai ke telinga.

To mark the Teachers’ Day celebration on the 16th May, a clean-up party was held on the 15th. What can I say…..

Lawatan ke Rumah Bajok, Nanga Kain
Pada 16 Mei juga, sesi lawatan muhibbah ke RH Bajok telah diadakan. Lawatan muhibbah ini adalah untuk mengukuhkan lagi hubungan baik sekolah dengan masyarakat rumah panjang. Sesi perbincangan dan soal jawab serta persembahan kebudayaan oleh para pelajar diadakan bagi memeriahkan lagi aktiviti.

On the 16th May, the school made an official social visit to the RH Bajok. A Q&A session with the longhouse residents and a cultural showcase became the highlights during the visit. 

Sambutan Pra Gawai
Satu majlis sambutan Pra Gawai telah diadakan pada 26 mei. Beberapa acara telah diadakan bagi menambah kemeriahan majlis tersebut. Antaranya acara sukan permainan kanak2, acara tarik-tali diantara ibubapa dan guru serta persembahan malam Pra Gawai SKNK. Hehehe, setiap kelas diminta menyediakan persembahan masing masing. My class buat persembahan pembukaan tarian sewang…. yang mana persembahan pembukaan ini akhirnya menjadi persembahan penutup gara2 masalah teknikal…#@#@%*#@  

A pre-Gawai celebration was held on the 26th May. Various events were held; such as children’s sports event, parents’-teachers’ tug-o-war, and The Cultural Night. Each class were required to do a cultural performance. My class was to perform the tarian sewang as the opening act for that night, but due to a technical mismatch…the supposed-to-be opening act became the closing act….#@#@%*#@

Majlis Hari Guru – Sukaneka
Walaupun diadakan agak lewat, sambutan hari guru peringkat SKNK telah diadakan dengan sangat meriah.  Majlis sambutan diadakan pada sebelah pagi, dimulakan dengan ucapan perasmian majlis oleh bigboss GB KS. Seterusnya tayangan selayang pandang yg direka bersama oleh Cik Rufina dgn ehemmm… me! Seterusnya, sedikit jamuan dan seterusnya acara sukaneka para guru bersama para pelajar dan AKS serta beberapa ibubapa. Warna tema untuk sambutan hari guru SKNK adalah sakit mata merah…ehh…salah, warna merah. Hehehehehe…..

The Teachers’ Day was celebrated late in June. It was a joyful occasion. The opening speech was given by the Headmaster, and then a short multimedia show made by Ms. Rufina and! A telematch soon followed, with the participation from the teachers, students and parents. The main color of the day was red….as in red shirt, red curtains, red backdrop…and red eyes. Hehehehehe….

Banjir lagi....dan lagi..dan lagi...
Tak sah kalau tak banjir di SKNK, paling kurang setahun dua kali….and for this year there were 5 times. Haru betul, kadang2 banjir setakat padang je, kadang2 banjir sampai menjenguk masuk ke asrama dan kuarters guru. Dah lah tu, banjir sampai dua hari tak surut2….alahai. dengan itu juga, terbuka lah rumah I untuk menerima mangsa2 banjir. Dipersilakan dengan tangan terbukaaa… Heheheheh…..sori laa, takde gambar, dah boring dah asyik amik gambar banjir saban tahun.

SK Nanga Kain is a prime candidate for flooding…and for this year, SK Nanga Kain was hit by the flood 5 times! Sometimes, the flood reached the school field, but there were times the flood reached the teachers’ quarters and the the students’ hostel. Hehehehe…no picts for this one, I’m sick and tired of this flood-thingy.

Lawatan ke Rh. Insong, Ulu Sungai Kain
Oops…sempat pulak kitaorang buat rombongan kecik pergi melawat rumah panjang Insong, iaitu rumah panjang si Menara Minggu dan si Steward Jap. Kemudian bergambar beramai2 kat sebuah batu besar kat tepi sungai rumah panjang tu. Bessstttt….

Ooppps…a small group of us made an impromptu visit to RH. Insong, the home of Menara Minggu and Steward Jap. We took some photos on the rock by the river. 

Bulan Kemerdekaan
Majlis pelancaran Bulan Kemerdekaan peringkat sekolah SKNK telah diakan pada minggu pertama Ogos. I tak tau sangat apa yang berlaku masa majlis nih, sebab I takde kat skool. Hehehehe…gambar2 ni pun diambil dari kak jessnita.

The official launching of the SK Nanga Kain’s Merdeka Month was held in August. I can’t say much about this because I wasn’t present o n that day. I got these pictures from miss jessnita. Hehehehehe…..

Motivasi – Trek Rimba
Bahagian Ko-kurikulum telah mengadakan trek rimba untuk semua pelajar Tahun 6. Aktiviti diadakan sebagai aktiviti sokongan motivasi dan riadah ilmu para pelajar tahun 6 sebelum menghadapi UPSR.
I tak ikut sebab tak sanggup nak meredah hutan, bulan puasa you…. tak rela I nak letih2 gitu….hehehehe. tapi memang diaorang enjoy jalan2 dalam hutan. Para pengiring trek rimba ni adalah cikgu Semang, cikgu jess, cikgu Laura dan puan Connie.

The Co-Curriculum dept. organized jungle trekking activity for the Year 6 students a few weeks before the UPSR examination. Well, I didn’t join because it was the first week of the fasting month y’all…hehehehe. But the students did enjoyed themselves trekking in the jungle. Mr. Semang, Jess, Mdm Laura and Mdm. Connie accompanied the students during the activity.

Majlis Anugerah SKNK & Majlis Perpisahan

Di penghujung sesi persekolahan, diadakan pulak Majlis Anugerah SKNK. Ramai pelajar telah diberikan hadiah di atas pencapaian akademik mereka yang cemerlang. Beberapa anugerah telah disampaikan, diantaranya, Anugerah Pelajar Terbaik UPSR (Aggi Kana dan Christy Seruan) Anugerah Pelajar Terbaik Ko-Kurikulum dan Anugerah Pelajar Contoh Terbaik (Menara Minggu) Olahragawan SKNK (Dannelson David) Olahragawati SKNK (Erra Assat). Di penghujung acara, satu majlis dedikasi khas diadakan untuk dua orang guru yang berpindah, iaitu Cikgu Zairy dan Cikgu Laura. Satu sesi berfoto beramai-ramai diadakan pada penghujung majlis.

An award ceremony was held at the end of the semester. Several students received their awards based on their achievement throughout the year. Awards given to the students; such as Best Students for UPSR  (Aggi Kana and Christy Seruan), Best Achievement in Co-Curriculum and Best Student (Menara Minggu) and Best Achievement in Sports (Dannelson David and Erra Assat). Later, a special dedication for the two teachers who are transferring from the school. A group photo session followed after.   

Secara peribadi, tahun ini merupakan satu tahun yang cukup mencabar. Namun, bila melihat kembali koleksi gambar dan video; dan mengimbas kembali segala kekurangan dan kelebihan SK Nanga Kain, rasanya SK Nanga Kain telah berjaya 100% dalam merealisasikan motto sekolah; TO BE BETTER THAN WHAT WE ARE. Apakah lagi yang bakal berlaku tahun hadapan….. warga SK NANGA KAIN  bersedia menghadapinya. DIRGAHAYU SERENGKA!

Personally, 2010 was a challenging year for SK Nanga Kain. But, going through the photos and videos; and looking back at the lows and highs of SK Nanga Kain, I think we achieved a hundred percent in making our schools motto a reality; TO BE BETTER THAN WHAT WE ARE. What’s installed for next year….we at SK NANGA KAIN are ready for the challenge. LONG LIVE SERENGKA!

Headmaster: Mr. Kadum Sumbang, PK1: Mr. Semang Kulih, PKHEM: Mr. Hamdan Seri, PKKK: Mr. Jesion Meding, Mr. Wan Kamarol, Mr. M.N. Zawawi, Mr. Muhd. Ridzuan, Ms. Sarida, Ms. Nornasyiha, Ms. Nurhaniza, Ms. Norsham, Ms. Rufina G. Mied, Ms. Linda Jim, Mdm. Roselind, Mdm. Conny, Mdm. Siti Habsah, Mr. Siban, Mr. Matthew and Mr. Patrick .

A special thank you to Mr. Mohd. Zairy Zainordin.

A super-special thank you to Madam Laura Singi.

m tauhhid z @ mamarock (hehehehe....)

Sunday, December 12, 2010

A FOODIE'S TAKE ON...simple Indian roti (flat bread)

Two weeks ago
Location : Yusuf Islamic Cafe, Sarikei

Note: I'm not promoting this restaurant, but if you happened to be in Sarikei, this restaurant is must for those with  a taste for Indian-Muslim style cooking. Price affordable, clean restaurant, and of course the foods are delicious. hehehehe....

my nephew; waiting for the roti canai

roti canai....yummm!

Roti canai (pronounced "chanai," not "kanai") is a type of flatbread found in Malaysia, often sold in Mamak stalls. It is known as roti prata in Southern Malaysia and Singapore, and is similar to the Indian Kerala porotta. Roti means bread in Hindi, Urdu, most other North Indian languages, and Malay.

The term "canai" derives either from:
1.        Chennai, a city in India which is formerly known as Madras. Roti canai is presumed to have been introduced by immigrant labour from the Madras region where a similar combination of parotta and dalcha - the accompanying lentil curry - is served.
2.        Channa, a dish made with boiled chickpeas in a spicy gravy from Northern India which this type of bread was traditionally served. However, the roti in Northern India is different from that served in Malaysia. The latter is more similar to the South Indian parotta, and roti canai is often served with dhal or lentils curry rather than chickpeas.

The word 'canai' in Malay means 'to knead'. Roti canai is circular and flat. There are two ways to make roti canai that is either to twirl it until the dough becomes a very thin sheet and then folded into a circular shape or to spread out the dough as thinly as possible before being folded. Then the folded dough is grilled with oil. The first method is more popular and faster than the second. The term 'roti paratha' in Malay means 'plate bread'.

thosai.....super yummm!
Thosai is a batter made from lentils and rice blended with water and left to ferment overnight. The batter is spread into a thin, circular disc on a flat, preheated pan, where it is fried with a dash of edible oil or ghee until the dosa reaches a golden brown colour. Then the thosai may optionally be turned over on the pan, and partially fried. The end product is neatly folded and served. Thosai is served with sambar (vegetable curry) and coconut chutney.

Source : wikipedia




YASMIN AHMAD (1958-2008)

Country : Malaysia
Won For Film : Muallaf (2009)
Synopsis : Yasmin Ahmad (July 1, 1958 – July 25, 2009) was a critically-acclaimed multi-award winning film director, writer and scriptwriter from Malaysia and was also the executive creative director at Leo Burnett Kuala Lumpur. Her television commercials and films are well-known in Malaysia for their humour, heart and love that crosses cross-cultural barriers, in particular her ads for Petronas, the national oil and gas company. Her works have won multiple awards both within Malaysia and internationally.
* Rabun (My Failing Eyesight) (2003)
* Sepet (Chinese Eye) (2004)
* Gubra (Anxiety) (2006)
* Mukhsin (2007)
* Muallaf (The Convert) (2008)
* Talentime (2009)

The late Yasmin Ahmad won best director via her last film "Mualaf" at 54th Asia Pacific Film Festival (APFF) in Taipei on Saturday night.
Malaysian Film Producers Association president Ahmad Puad Onah who led the country's delegation said that it was the first such award won by Malaysia.
"This is a historic occcasion for Malaysia," he told Bernama after the festival ended at Dr Sun Yet-Sen Memorial Hall.
Ahmad Puad who received the award said he was proud with Yasmin's achievement as it not only brought glory to Malaysia but he was also close to her.
"I am sure that the late Yasmin will be very proud with this award," he added.
"Mualaf" which starred newcomer Sharifah Amani is about three individuals searching for spiritual peace via religion.
Yasmin died from brain haemorrhage in Damansara Specialist Hospital, Petaling Jaya on July 26 last year at age 51.
The award won by Yasmin was the only won by Malaysia at the film festival.
Four other films entered were Magika, Lagenda Budak Setan, Pisau Cukur and Cinta Ais Kacang.
Malaysia's past winners were the late Tan Sri P. Ramlee for best actor in (Anakku Sazali - 1957), Maya Karin for best actress (2004) and Datin Seri Tiara Jacquelina), also for best actress (2005).
Source: Bernama

Saturday, December 11, 2010

the second time.....

a year ago, i posted a text on my blog which i copied from a blog i'm following. the text was written in Bahasa Malaysia. after a year, once again i was permitted to post the same text again, but this time in English. uncountable thanks goes out to the owner of the original text for allowing me to feature it here.

thanks, Niena Rizal. 

I want to share a story. It was both a sad and a touching story. 

Yesterday, I went to a funeral of a member of a family whom I knew quite well. The family lost a son who was beloved by the whole family. But, the only thing was that the deceased was a drug addict and had contracted HIV. Such pity, .. he was a good man, but then became a victim of his own actions. 

Throughout his life, he never caused much trouble to his family. But often his family became the target of his neighbours. Whenever there was theft in the village, he would be accused. He then moved out of the village, sparing his family of greater shame. His parents never knew of his whereabouts. 

But a year ago he returned home. During the two months he was at home, he never came out. So his family became suspicious. Finally, he told his family that he was sick. He didn’t want the neighbours to find out. He didn’t want to humiliate his parents anymore. 

One day, he told his family that he’s dying. By then, his family knew that he was infected with HIV. But his family was very understanding. His parents took care of him, feeding him and even helping him going to the toilet. Thank God, before he became seriously ill, his father taught him how to do the prayers. 

He was bedridden during his last six months. Then one night, a night before his 28th birthday, he whispered to his mother saying it was time for him to die. His mother calmly prayed for her son’s repentance accepted by Allah. Early that morning, he passed away. His body was taken to the hospital to be properly handled by the medical staffs. His body was taken back home around the afternoon. He was buried after Zuhr prayer. At that time, the weather was very hot and sunny. As the body was placed in the grave, the sunny sky suddenly rained, as if mourning over his death. 

The moral of this true story; REPENT, insya’Allah (God willing) your repentance will be accepted by Allah. And ask for forgiveness from your parents while they are still alive. The holy prophet Muhamad (peace be upon him) once said, Jannah (paradise/heaven) is at a mother’s sole.