Saturday, October 30, 2010

A FOODIE'S TAKE ON family and breakfast

i've been featuring my school a lot, and since then, i featured many of my students and colleagues on my blog. i think it is time for me to feature some of my family members. but then, how am i going to feature them? well, there's nothing better than a few pictures of my family having breakfast. sentimental...? yupp...i am.

Dad, mum and Aliff....

Aliff, my sister and Afizul...

we're having these for breakfast...
Laksa Sarawak...
vermicelli in thick spicy coconut gravy, with chicken, prawn, tofu, bean sprouts
and of course...sambal belacan. yummy!

Mee Goreng Basah
fried noodle in thick, sweet and sour, spicy gravy.
Super yumm!

Gosh...i'm hungry now! it's always like that, everytime i'm doing 'A FOODIE'S TAKE ON....'. 

l'école en multi-couleur

here are some pictures of flowers around my school. yup, pretty aren't they? i knew the English name of some of the flowers, but some i don't. so, spare me the critique, i just love gardening, without the hassle of knowing the name of the plants. excuse the amateurish photography. i'm being modest here.... hehehhe.

Friday, October 29, 2010

BE AWARE, TAKE CARE! riben merah jambu....

let's support the breast cancer awareness program. go to and show your support. 


Arabic:شريط وردي
Urdu:گلابی ربن
Spanish:Lazo Rosa
Filipino:Lasong Rosas
French:Ruban Rose
Italian:Nastro Rosa
Galician:Lazo Vermello
Valencian:Llaç rosa
Catalan:Cinta rosa
German:Rosa Schleife
Dutch:Roze Lint
Danish:Lyserøde Sløjfe
Croatian:Ružičasta vrpca
Czech:Růžová stužka
Finnish:Roosa Nauha
Hungarian:Rózsaszín szalag
Macedonian:Розева панделка
Norwegian:Rosa Sløyfe
Latvian:Rozā lente
Lithuanian:Rožinis kaspinas
Persian:روبان صورتی
Polish:Różowa Wstążka
Portuguese:Fita Rosa
Romanian:Panglica Roz
Russian:Pозовая Лента
Slovak:Ružová stužka
Swedish:Rosa Bandet
Catalan:Llaç Rosa
Turkish:Pembe Kurdele
Hebrew:סרט ורוד
Serbian:Ружичаста машна
Slovenian:Rožnati trak
Ukrainian:Рожева стрічка
Greek:Ρόζ κορδέλα
Ribbons have been used to express solidarity on the part of the wearer with the identified cause since the early to late 20th Century. Pink Ribbons (and the color pink) are used to express support for those who are diagnosed with Breast Cancer.
In the fall of 1991, the Susan G. Komen Foundation handed out pink ribbons to participants in its New York City race for breast cancer survivors. The next year,Alexandra Penney, who was the editor-in-chief of Self, a woman health magazine, was working on the second annual National Breast Cancer Awareness Month issue. Evelyn Lauder, who was the senior corporate vice president at Estée Lauder, was invited to be the guest editor of the NBCAM issue edition in 1992. Penney and Lauder came up with the idea to create a ribbon and to enlist the cosmetics giant to distribute it in stores in New York City.
Charlotte Hayley, who battled breast cancer, produced peach color ribbons. She sold them with a card saying, "The National Cancer Institute annual budget is 1.8 billion US Dollars, and only 5 percent goes for cancer prevention. Help us wake up our legislators and America by wearing this ribbon".Her message spread fast. This made Penny and Evelyn Lauder interested in Hayley's concept. They offered to adapt Hayley's idea by working with her. But Hayley rejected the offer, saying that they were too commercial.
After discussing opportunities with Lauder, Hayley and their lawyers, they came up with a "new" color. The new color of the ribbon was pink and became an international symbol for breast cancer awareness.


White Shoes & The Couples Co. : Zaman Remadja (unofficial video)

here’s a new unofficial video from me. 
I made this video featuring a number of students 
of SK Nanga Kain, 
which is the place where I am teaching right now. 
The students featured here are of different age groups.

 I got the idea for this video 
when I was looking at three students 
(not featured in the video) 
walking up and down the stairways 
collecting leaves and twigs. 

Then, the idea came to me. 
“Aggi, get me my camera and tripod. Quick!” 
When it was time to start shooting, 
I gathered a few students to model. 
Scenes after scenes, takes after takes, 
and it was done. Next, what song? 
Hmm….. Well, at the time of shooting, 
I got my discman on and listening to the new album 
by White Shoes & The Couples Company. 
The song was Zaman Remadja (English:Adolescence). 
So, what does adolescence got to do 
with children running silly here and there? 
I don’t know…………….

So, enjoy watching my latest creation. 

Disclaimer: The video contains the audio track ZAMAN REMADJA by White Shoes & The Couples Company. The video was made with the purest intention and wasn’t meant to violate the copyright ownership of the song. The video was made solely for entertainment purposes, and I will not benefit from it financially. This video was not the official video for the song. I own the copyright ownership of the stock footage and still images, and White Shoes & The Couples Company owns the copyright ownership for the song. I would like to extend my sincerest thanks and gratitude to the band for their understanding on the above matter. Thanks.

arrangement, editing and art direction by : m tauhhid z
props : aggi
produced by : mamarock films™ 2010

aggi, evelyn, menara , boy ericson, vitheres, doris, sofea, mary, ayu, iba, amelia, karen, eranie, sonnia, rebecca, suzanna, norita, flora

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Laura and a butterfly
Song : Butterflies In My Tummy
Artist : Mocca

I have butterflies flying 
Around inside my tummy
When i’m with you

I hear bellchimes ringing 
Blown by wind of spring
When i’m with you

Oh this tingling feeling
Makes me wanna jump
Makes me wanna shout 
Across the room

Oh this feeling of longing
But damn it’s so blinding
I just can’t tell
If i feel happy or sad

I heard blue birds 
Singing up around the tree
When I’m with you

I see rainbows appearing
Everywhere i go
When i’m with you

Oh this tingling feeling
Makes me wanna sigh
Makes me wanna fly
Across the moon

Oh this feeling of longing
But damn it’s so blinding
I just can’t tell
If i feel happy or sad

I have butterflies flying 
Around inside my tummy
When i’m with you

on the boat...again!

here are the latest pictures 
of my colleagues 
(oopss...i prefer friends) and i. 

we were on our way to Kapit town, 
so we had to take two boat trips 
just to get there. 

the first trip was 
a 10 minutes paddling 
from the school to the jetty. 

wait for another 45 minutes or so, 
then we had to board 
another boat to Kapit. 

it's neither exciting 
nor boring....
it's just that so so

Linda, RGM Fina, Haniza, Connie and moi!

Paling depan sekali, our boatman....Apai Sana.

On another boat....enjoying the afternoon sun!

oops....that's me!

Studio for "VAKANSI"

another cool song....seakan berada di tepi pantai dan menikmati Pepsi Twist yang dingin. ooppps....this is not a product endorsement.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

A FOODIE'S TAKE ON jamuan rumah terbuka pasca raya

here are several photos taken during a dinner party at my place. 
thanks to all my guests, and i do hope you guys enjoyed the meal.

madam laura is smiling, i hope she enjoyed her laksa...hehehe

the guests helped themselves with the food prepared! oops...and mr.WK too.

miss idot and jess are enjoying their meal. idot tengok apa tu?

hahaha...jamuan dimeriahkan dengan lampu kelip-kelip!
 thanks to all the guests who made this jamuan (feast) an enjoyable one.

thanks to: 
GB Kadum and Madam, 
Cikgu Semang, 
Cikgu Hamdan, 
idot, sham, syiha, siti, connie, auntie roslind, 
siban, apai sekuriti, ayak matthew, pet, YDP PIBG, 
zai, ridz, awie, Rufina RGM, Jess, miss Rinda and Laura. 

Not forgetting the clean-up girls, janeffer,aggi, inja, erra, mona, menara and evelyn.

the BIGGEST and FIERCEST thanks goes to my housemate, MR. WK.

again, THANKS y'all!

A FOODIE'S TAKE ON more food!

well, just when you thought it was are a few more. FEAST!

my attempt at making cupcakes...really!

Eid el Fitr delights.

hidangan di pagi Aidilfitri

dodol pulut.... mum's creation

another one of mum's triumphant creation, a cake layered with cheese crackers. yummm!
haiyaaaaa....! i'm soooooooo hungry right now! 

A FOODIE'S TAKE ON sinful delights....

take a look....

strawberry cheesecake slice, chicken curry bun, tuna bun, chicken sausage bun and mini pizza
 hm, lately i've been packing up on pounds. let's just hope that it wouldn't come back and haunt me for the rest of my life. kinda worried too you know, since i'm not only packing up on pounds, i'm also stacking up on my blood-sugar level. but, a friend of mine reminded me that i can still enjoy the foods that i like, but the keyword here was MODERATION. there's no point in eating...and worrying of salt/sugar intake, and worrying of diabetes and hi-blood pressure. advise taken, i still am going to enjoy the foods that i like, but i'm going to have it in small number. (like....really?)

chocolate chip cupcake, blueberry cupcake, egg tart & cheese custard
(scoffs) but, could you actually resist 'em?

note: i'm still fat. hehehe, you're thin, i get it! lucky for you.

inspired and running silly

here are snapshots of group photos i took yesterday. i made another video project featuring these kids. the video will be premiered during our school's Year End Ceremony. this was the quickest, and i must say, the easiest one to make. the secret, well, let the children run and be silly. do the same act for few times, and bam.....there you have it. more info coming up soon.

photos by: m tauhhid z

hmm...i'm thinking of making another one. it will be like a trilogy of some sort. hehehe....i am fully inspired now.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


here's a new song from the band WHITE SHOES & THE COUPLES COMPANY. this song is taken from their latest album "Album Vakansi" (Vacation Album). the song title is Hacienda. plus, the song came with a video. cool.......... as always. SUPER!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

belajar bahasa inggeris

here are some pictures of my Year Three students, trying to complete their language exercises, and posing for a photo. cute.

une école dans un jardin

here are a few pictures of the garden around my school. to maintain this garden-look, the students and teachers worked together twice a week.

eh! diaorang ni sebok je nak bergambar sama!

Friday, October 15, 2010

i remember..............

Disclaimer: The video contains the audio track I REMEMBER by MOCCA. The video was made with the purest intention and wasn’t meant to violate the copyright ownership of the song. The video was made solely for entertainment purposes, and I will not benefit from it financially. This video was not the official video for the song. I own the copyright ownership of the stock footage and still images, and MOCCA owns the copyright ownership for the song. I would like to extend my sincerest thanks and gratitude to the band for their understanding on the above matter. Thanks.

photography and video production
m tauhhid z

models (in order of appearance)
aggi, steward, menara, welson, christy, syvester, steve, janeffer, evelyn, inja, erra

my latest creation........

Hello my love….

Wow…it’s been almost half a year since I last made an unofficial music video. Well, now I’m back and what a surprise I must say. This time around I made another stop motion video. As you can see, it took about 150 photos just do a sequence. Then, I reversed the whole sequence again for another two rounds. 150 photos multiply by three. You do the math. Then, to fit the whole video to the song, it took me about three days just to edit the video. 

Well, I uploaded the video on Here are a few photos featured in the video.

untitled poem in Bahasa ....

(maaf, kiranya tatabahasa agak tunggang langgang....)

ruangan yang disewa hanya lima puluh lima
buat satu malam
membina mimpi yang disusun satu satu

terbina mimpi aneh
melayang di udara segar
mendongak pada sirus yang pegun malas
kemudian jatuh pantas
tanpa rasa takut terhempas

ruangan yang disewa hanya satu ratus sepuluh
buat dua malam
membina mimpi yang tersusun satu satu

bermimpi lagi
terbang mencelah sirus tenang
dan jatuh pantas disambut
oleh embun yang meriah
menghampar kapas 

river view hotel
Saturday, 12 June 2010