Friday, October 29, 2010

BE AWARE, TAKE CARE! riben merah jambu....

let's support the breast cancer awareness program. go to and show your support. 


Arabic:شريط وردي
Urdu:گلابی ربن
Spanish:Lazo Rosa
Filipino:Lasong Rosas
French:Ruban Rose
Italian:Nastro Rosa
Galician:Lazo Vermello
Valencian:Llaç rosa
Catalan:Cinta rosa
German:Rosa Schleife
Dutch:Roze Lint
Danish:Lyserøde Sløjfe
Croatian:Ružičasta vrpca
Czech:Růžová stužka
Finnish:Roosa Nauha
Hungarian:Rózsaszín szalag
Macedonian:Розева панделка
Norwegian:Rosa Sløyfe
Latvian:Rozā lente
Lithuanian:Rožinis kaspinas
Persian:روبان صورتی
Polish:Różowa Wstążka
Portuguese:Fita Rosa
Romanian:Panglica Roz
Russian:Pозовая Лента
Slovak:Ružová stužka
Swedish:Rosa Bandet
Catalan:Llaç Rosa
Turkish:Pembe Kurdele
Hebrew:סרט ורוד
Serbian:Ружичаста машна
Slovenian:Rožnati trak
Ukrainian:Рожева стрічка
Greek:Ρόζ κορδέλα
Ribbons have been used to express solidarity on the part of the wearer with the identified cause since the early to late 20th Century. Pink Ribbons (and the color pink) are used to express support for those who are diagnosed with Breast Cancer.
In the fall of 1991, the Susan G. Komen Foundation handed out pink ribbons to participants in its New York City race for breast cancer survivors. The next year,Alexandra Penney, who was the editor-in-chief of Self, a woman health magazine, was working on the second annual National Breast Cancer Awareness Month issue. Evelyn Lauder, who was the senior corporate vice president at Estée Lauder, was invited to be the guest editor of the NBCAM issue edition in 1992. Penney and Lauder came up with the idea to create a ribbon and to enlist the cosmetics giant to distribute it in stores in New York City.
Charlotte Hayley, who battled breast cancer, produced peach color ribbons. She sold them with a card saying, "The National Cancer Institute annual budget is 1.8 billion US Dollars, and only 5 percent goes for cancer prevention. Help us wake up our legislators and America by wearing this ribbon".Her message spread fast. This made Penny and Evelyn Lauder interested in Hayley's concept. They offered to adapt Hayley's idea by working with her. But Hayley rejected the offer, saying that they were too commercial.
After discussing opportunities with Lauder, Hayley and their lawyers, they came up with a "new" color. The new color of the ribbon was pink and became an international symbol for breast cancer awareness.


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