Friday, July 9, 2010

ouch… sakit mata!

 I’m seeing red all over!

the teachers:
sitting: me, Mr. Jesion, Mr. Semang, Mr. Kadum, Mdm. Laura, Mr. Zairy
standing: Ms. Rufina, Ms. Sarida, Ms. Norsham, Mr. Wan Kamarol, Mr. Ridzuan, Ms. Nurnasyiha, Ms. Norhaniza
Missing-in-action: Mr. M.N. Zawawi

What do I meant by I’m seeing red?  

A few weeks ago, 
everyone in our school 
celebrated the Teachers’ Day. 
In my opinion, 
the theme for that day was RED. 
From the drapes over the stage, 
to our T-shirt…
and fellow staffs who were suffering 
(well..didn’t actually suffer that much…) 
and having red eyes. 
Heheheh…sorry guys!

The celebration began 
at exactly 8 in the morning 
and ended somewhere around the afternoon. 

It was a joyous occasion; 
everyone had fun…
well, almost everyone. 
I don’t think 
the ones having the red eyes 
were enjoying themselves much. 
I’m not going into details…
takut terjangkit pulak! 

Hm…how should I begin?

there were choirs by the teachers, 
traditional dance performances by the students, 
photo sessions 
and…of course, 
a multimedia show by yours truly….moi
I tell you more about that later……

I got lots of cards from the students; 
some were made by the students themselves. 
It was touching to read the cards. 
There was one, 
and I quote...
Saya tidak faham bahasa inggeris, 
tetapi sekarang saya sudah faham sedikit.” 
It meant ‘I don’t understand English language, 
but now I do know a little bit.’ 
Such words was from a student of mine…
his name; Sunjay Tol. 
Thanks Sunjay, 
I’m so happy!

I also received few gifts from the students; 
a stuff toy, 
three steel anklets, 
a beaded pin, 
two notebooks…
just to name a few. 
Oh, I forgot; 
a photo of my student 
when she was just six years old; 
looking cute in traditional Iban costume. 
I kept the picture in a frame. 

Excuse me, 
I never asked for any of the gifts! 
Please, don’t get me wrong… 

mr jesion also choreographed 
two special performances by the students. 
There was joget lambak; 
a traditional malay dance, 
and tarian Sumazau, 
a traditional Kadazan dance. 
You can view the Kadazan dance here, 
or better still view it on youtube, 
and then leave your comments there.

I also made a multimedia clip. 
But the one I uploaded onto youtube 
was the edited version of the video. 

I had to reserve the original video for myself, 
upon request from my fellow colleagues. 
So, watch it and enjoy. 
There was a special bloopers(?) segment 
in this video….
something I've never done 
on any of my previous clips.

sometime later in the morning, 
all the teachers; 
together with all the students 
and the school staffs; 
took part in a five-events games….
something like a tele-match. 
I got to try dribbling(?), 
and took part in the five members tug-o-war….
we WON! Pheeewwwiiiittttt………

 Ok, credits roll!

Thanks to mohd zairy for the photos….
Thanks to rufina g. mied for the sumazau video, and for lending me the camera!

The most violent thanks goes to 
the students of 
SK Nanga Kain!

i need to buy something for my eyes! 
Having red eyes is NOT an option for me right now.

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