Saturday, June 26, 2010

rosak sound sistem! aaarrgghhhhhh!


I got a new docu-film just uploaded onto  well, it wasn’t exactly a short-film like I used to do,  to be honest, the whole video was heavily edited to fit the accompanying song perfectly. Still, it wasn’t that perfect. Hmmphh…

The dance was performed twice during our school’s cultural festival. The first take didn’t work quite well due to the audio mix-up! Ceh…really sakit hati (annoyed) you know! The music was abruptly stopped halfway during the dance.  So my students had to wait for another hour and a half.  So kasihan (pity), some of the girls were ashamed of being laughed at. Then, being their class teacher, I went back stage and told them to take a break for a while, and then do the dance again as the closing performance. They agreed, but you know…kids, they were still a bit sour after the incident. I promised them, I will put up their video on youtube for the WHOLE world to see. That got them excited a bit. At the end, they performed quite well, but……they never want to talk about it anymore. Kids, no matter what happen, I am still going strong, and so should you. The incident was nothing!

About the video
Thanks to miss rufina for her patience during recording the video. She had to record the dance twice. But luckily, both recordings made it into this video. THANKS FINAAAAAAAAAAA……

Disclaimer about the music…..
The original song for this video was performed by Malaysia’s very own Queen of Pop Ethnic music…Ms. Noraniza Idris. Noraniza Idris is an award-winning artist.  The use of this song in this dance was a special tribute to her. So…to Kak Ani, if you are reading this, on behalf of my students; thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I have no claims or rights over the audio recording. Thanks to Noraniza Idris for allowing me to use the song in this video production. All rights reserved. This video production may be removed upon request from Noraniza Idris and the song producer. But, I hope, it wouldn’t come to that. Thanks again.

The song; Iboq, is under copyright control. The usage of the song is purely for entertainment purposes, and I HAVE NO FINANCIAL BENEFITS for using the song. I wish to thank the original producer/s for their understanding. Again, thanks. 

Video Credit:

Jagriena Shirla, Boy Ericson, Sebry, Mary Kunga, Samuel, Diana, Roland, Ayu, Dannelson, Sunjay, Duncan Dian, Doris, Emanuel, Jafferson, Enja, Jeno, Sofea and Vitheres Sambai.

M Tauhhid Z
Vitheres Sambai
Duncan Dian
Mary Kunga

Rufina Gregory Mied

Iboq – Noraniza Idris

M Tauhhid Z

mamarock films™
rgm films™

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