Saturday, June 26, 2010

rosak sound sistem! aaarrgghhhhhh!


I got a new docu-film just uploaded onto  well, it wasn’t exactly a short-film like I used to do,  to be honest, the whole video was heavily edited to fit the accompanying song perfectly. Still, it wasn’t that perfect. Hmmphh…

The dance was performed twice during our school’s cultural festival. The first take didn’t work quite well due to the audio mix-up! Ceh…really sakit hati (annoyed) you know! The music was abruptly stopped halfway during the dance.  So my students had to wait for another hour and a half.  So kasihan (pity), some of the girls were ashamed of being laughed at. Then, being their class teacher, I went back stage and told them to take a break for a while, and then do the dance again as the closing performance. They agreed, but you know…kids, they were still a bit sour after the incident. I promised them, I will put up their video on youtube for the WHOLE world to see. That got them excited a bit. At the end, they performed quite well, but……they never want to talk about it anymore. Kids, no matter what happen, I am still going strong, and so should you. The incident was nothing!

About the video
Thanks to miss rufina for her patience during recording the video. She had to record the dance twice. But luckily, both recordings made it into this video. THANKS FINAAAAAAAAAAA……

Disclaimer about the music…..
The original song for this video was performed by Malaysia’s very own Queen of Pop Ethnic music…Ms. Noraniza Idris. Noraniza Idris is an award-winning artist.  The use of this song in this dance was a special tribute to her. So…to Kak Ani, if you are reading this, on behalf of my students; thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I have no claims or rights over the audio recording. Thanks to Noraniza Idris for allowing me to use the song in this video production. All rights reserved. This video production may be removed upon request from Noraniza Idris and the song producer. But, I hope, it wouldn’t come to that. Thanks again.

The song; Iboq, is under copyright control. The usage of the song is purely for entertainment purposes, and I HAVE NO FINANCIAL BENEFITS for using the song. I wish to thank the original producer/s for their understanding. Again, thanks. 

Video Credit:

Jagriena Shirla, Boy Ericson, Sebry, Mary Kunga, Samuel, Diana, Roland, Ayu, Dannelson, Sunjay, Duncan Dian, Doris, Emanuel, Jafferson, Enja, Jeno, Sofea and Vitheres Sambai.

M Tauhhid Z
Vitheres Sambai
Duncan Dian
Mary Kunga

Rufina Gregory Mied

Iboq – Noraniza Idris

M Tauhhid Z

mamarock films™
rgm films™

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Sarikei in camera-phone definition

here are a few more pictures of Sarikei. i took these pictures with my Nokia 1680c-2. hmm...the quality of the pictures aren't that good. i'm being modest here. hehehehe....

pict 1: Tebingan Sungai Sarikei

pict 2: Sarikei Bus Station at Night

pict 3: Across The Sarikei Bus Station

pict4 : Bright Lights in Sarikei

Peace Facts & Quotes

Those who are “peace-builders”, “peace-makers”, “peace-cultivators”, and “peace-lovers” are often times stereotyped and mislabeled as being strictly “anti-war”. This is not only unfair, but wrong. The following 350 year-old quote provides the proper perspective to have:

"Peace is not just an absence of war;
it is a virtuea state of mind, and a disposition for
benevolence, confidence (courage) and justice."
--- Spinoza (1656)

You may ask why the cultivation of Peace, Love, and Non-Violence is so important? For starters: Gandhi & Dr. King were both shot down, murdered-in-cold-blood with bullets from guns while in the course of teaching us about being peaceful, loving, and non-violent to one another. Understanding this powerful fact substantiates the peace movement for many.

Peace is one of many virtues or character traits that each of us (all of us) should cultivate. The great importance of cultivating both "Courage" and "Peace" can be seen in these quotes:

"Courage is not simply one of the virtues.

Courage is the form of every virtue at its testing point."

--- CS Lewis
(world-renowned author)

"Courage is the price that

Life exacts for granting peace."

--- Amelia Earhart;
(world-renowned aviator)

Adherence to Peace Principles will bring Peace… The main religions of the world are all rooted in Peace (sadly, just a few extremists prefer cultivating FEAR rather than PEACE):

"Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called God's children."
--- Christianity
"The whole of the Torah is for the purpose of promoting peace."
--- Judaism
"A Muslim is one who surrenders to the will of Allah,
and is an establisher of peace.
While Islam means establishment of peace,
Muslim means one who establishes peace
through his actions and conduct."
--- Islam
"If a man sings of God and hears of Him,
and lets the love of God sprout within him,
then all his sorrows shall vanish,
and in his mind, God will bestow abiding peace."
--- Sikhism
"All things exist for world peace."
--- Perfect Liberty Kyodan
it comes to our souls when we realize our relationship,
our openness, with the universe and all its powers,
and when we realize that at the center of the universe dwells
the Great Spirit, and that this center is really everywhere,
it is within each of us."
--- From The Sacred Pipe, Lakota Sioux Medicine Man
"The Lord lives in the heart of every creature.
He turns them round and round upon the wheel of Maya.
Take refuge utterly in Him.
By his grace you will find supreme peace,
and the state which is beyond all change."
--- Hinduism

“Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek,

but a means by which we arrive at that goal…

Peace is a powerful and just weapon.

It cuts without wounding and ennobles the man who wields it.

It is a sword that heals.” 

--- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

When Thomas Jefferson wrote The Declaration of Independence he started with:
"We hold these truths to be self evident:
that all men are created equal;
that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights;
that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

Enjoy this poem that is ~2,612 years old!

(from Tao Te Ching)
by Lao-Tse
[born 604 BC]

If there is to be peace in the world, 

there must be peace in the nations.

If there is to be peace in the nations, 

there must be peace in the cities.

If there is to be peace in the cities, 

there must be peace between neighbors.

If there is to be peace between neighbors, 

there must be peace in the home.

If there is to be peace in the home, 

there must be peace in the heart.
Copyright 2010 "Atlanta: City of Peace"All rights reserved.

Monday, June 7, 2010

is this considered as a documentary?

so, here’s another one. So, just bare with me and just read along.
I have a few more things to say.

I made another clip, well two short clips, to be exact. But before I go on, I’d like to inform you, the short clips aren’t exclusively mine. A fellow colleague recorded the videos and I got the chance to edit, arrange and produce the whole video. But, pardon me for splitting the videos into two parts. This would make it easier for me to upload the whole thing onto 

a bit on the videos. The videos are a showcase of performances during the official closing ceremony of our school’s academics month.

Hehehe….well, I’m just going to mention about what I did. I selected two groups of students to perform a special tribute to The Carpenters. The students performed four songs by The Carpenters. But wait, they actually sang along to the original version of the songs by the Carpenters. They did “Love Is Surrender”, “Sing”, “Reason to Believe” and the recording of “Thank You For The Music” (an Abba song) performed live by the Carpenters. A billion thanks goes to Miss Nornasyiha for providing the choreography for some of the songs.

The student performers were from my English Language classes.

Thanks to miss Rufina Gregory Mied for sharing the videos. Miss Rufina is a frequent contributor for mamarock films™.  So, as you can see at the beginning of the video, RGM is actually an initial of her name. thanks again, FINA!

So now, enjoy. Hehehe…

thanks to these people for supporting the official closing ceremony of SK NANGA KAIN ACADEMICS' Month.

Headmaster:Mr. Kadum, 
PK1:Mr. Semang
PK HEM:Mdm. Laura
PK KK:Mr.Jesion

Ms. Sarida, Ms. Nornasyiha, Ms. Norhaniza, Ms. Norsham, Ms. Rufina, Mr. Ridzuan, Mr. Zawawi, Mr. Zairy, Mr. Wan Kamarol, staffs, and the students of SK Nanga Kain. 

The most violent thanks to Ms Rufina. 

sincerely: m tauhhid z

Disclaimer: Love Is Surrender, Sing, Reason To Believe and Thank You For The Music are copyright controlled. The usage of these songs are purely for entertainment purposes, and I HAVE NO FINANCIAL BENEFITS for using the songs. I wish to thank the original producer/s for their understanding. Again, thanks. 

Saturday, June 5, 2010


relaxing on the passenger's side, going around Sarikei town. in my old and shabby car.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

My Personal Pick

Here’s a medley of songs covered by The Carpenters and Carol Burnett. Lyrics re-produced without prior permission from the original producers. And as always, songs, lyrics and video are copyright protected.

Go while the going is good
Knowing when to leave may be the smartest thing anyone can learn.

I'm afraid my heart isn't very smart.
Fly while your still have your wings
Knowing when to leave will never let you reach the point of no return.

Foolish as it seems, i still have my dreams
So i keep hoping, day after day, as i wait for the man,
And night after night as i wish for a love that can be
Though i'm sure that no one can tell when a wish is a hope,
Somehow i feel there is happiness waiting for me.

When someone walks in your life, you'd just better be sure he's right.
`cause if he's wrong there's are heartaches and tears you must face.
Keep both of your eyes on the door and never let it get out of sight
Just be prepared when the time comes and you went away

Sail when the wind starts to blow
But like a fool i don't know when to leave.

And make it easy on yourself
Make it easy on yourself

'Cause breaking up is so very hard to do

If you should find you miss the sweet
and tender love we used to share
just go back to the places where we used to go,
and I'll be there.

Oh, how can I forget you
when there is always something there to remind me
always something there to remind me.

I was born to love you, and I will never be free

Don't tell me what it's all about
'Cause I've been there and I'm glad I'm out
Out of those chains those chains that bind you
That is why I'm here to remind you

What do you get when you fall in love?
A guy with a pin to burst your bubble
That's what you get for all your trouble
I'll never fall in love again
I'll never fall in love again

What do you get when you kiss a guy?
You get enough germs to catch pneumonia
After you do he'll never phone you
I'll never fall in love again
I'll never fall in love again

Do you know the way to San Jose?
I've been away so long. I may go wrong and lose my way.
Do you know the way to San Jose?
I'm going back to find some peace of mind in San Jose.

L.A. is a great big freeway.
Put a hundred down and buy a car.
In a week, maybe two, they'll make you a star
Weeks turn into years. How qiuck they pass
And all the stars that never were
Are parking cars and pumping gas

1.        Knowing when to leave
     Songwriters: Burt Bacharach & Hal David

2.        Make It Easy On Yourself
     Songwriters: Burt Bacharach & Hal David.

3.        Breaking Up Is So Very Hard To Do
     Songwriters: Howard Greenfield & Neil Sedaka

     Songwriters : Hal David & Burt Bacharach

5.        I'll Never Fall In Love Again

     Songwriters: Burt Bacharach & Hal David.

6.        Do You Know The Way To San Jose?
     Songwriters: Burt Bacharach & Hal David.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Sarikei - sugarcane juice

it's the semester's break...and now i'm taking my break in Sarikei. i have no plans of going for holidays. i think it would be better to spend my holiday at home. relaxing around, and if i ever get bored, i will go to Sarikei town. Hmm, Sarikei is a great town to live in, not too modern, and not too outdated...just nice. especially on Sundays, Sarikei would be busy. Last Sunday, i went to the open market in the Nyelong area.

 it was a hot day, to be frank, and there were lots of people, as the local Ibans were busy doing their last minute shopping before the Gawai festival. The hot climate, and the throngs of people, the noises and of course..the smell, could stir up the senses and somewhat made one dizzy.

but, when the thirst sets in, a cup of icy-cold sugarcane juice sure is good. i have a few pictures of Sarikei's Sunday market. i warmly welcome you to Sarikei, the pineapple town.