Saturday, April 28, 2018

MAKAN : The Wonderful Nasi Lemak

lama dah tak cerita pasal 
makan-makan ni kannnn,
so sekarang ni nak berceloteh sedikit 
tentang makanan kegemaran ramai....
tak kira apa bangsa...
inilah dia.... the super wonderful... 

well, nasi lemak...
or in english language - coconut rice, 
tidak mempunyai kerakyatan 
atau asal usul yang khusus. 
it might originated from Malaysia, 
or maybe Indonesia, or maybe even Singapore....
or maybe India, no one can tell. 

This is because in a plate of nasi lemak, 
one can find different condiments to complement it. 

Plus, the style of each nasi lemak varies according to regions. 
For example, in the northern and east coast states of Peninsular Malaysia, 
a plate of nasi lemak might be accompanied with ayam percik or rendang. 
In Singapore, a plate of nasi lemak 
would be serve with a piece of fried chicken.
In Indonesia, the sambal would be fiery hot, 
and in Sarawak the sambal 
would be spicy and sweet. 

So, what i'm saying is, 
there's no specific recipe for nasi lemak. 
But, an authentic nasi lemak 
is often served with some anchovy sambal, peanut, hard-boiled egg and a few slices of cucumber. These four condiments are a must in a plate of nasi lemak. 

Just look at these photos 
of nasi lemak variants. 

Nasi Lemak style warung 

Nasi Lemak with fried chicken....a bit costly.

Over-the-top nasi lemak....

But, on a sweet note, 
my favourite type of nasi lemak, 
is actually nasi lemak kantin sekolah, 
or to put it in English language, 
school's canteen nasi lemak. 

Nasi Lemak Kantin Sekolah.....
siapa tak suka?

Ask every Malaysian, 
what was their favourite food in school....
they'll definately say "nasi lemak bungkus". 

I'm sorry, 
i'm not sharing any nasi lemak recipe here....
i guess you'd just have to google it. 


photos are not my originals, and copyright protected by the owners. photos were used without prior consent. This blogpost is in no way making any financial profit from the usage of these photos. Owners' consideration on this matter is deeply appreciated. Thanks. 

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