Friday, March 30, 2018


Remember me.....
gitewwsss mukadimah blogpost ni kannn.

minggu ni tadi i pertama kali menonton filem animasi Coco.
dan i berpuas hati tahap maksima uolssss....

i hail this film as one of PIXAR's greatest film to date.
antara filem keluaran PIXAR yang terbaik....
of course, siri filem Toy Story 
dan jugak Finding Nemo/Finding Dory adalah bagus....
but for now...filem Coco memang sangat sangat sangat SUPER!

im not going to give you the spoiler. 
i suggest you go and purchase this film
and watch together with your family,
friends or students. 

Kalau menonton seorang diri, sediakan tissue....
sebab uols gerenti akan tersentuh hati and 
MENANGESSSSS meraung-raung....well,
tak laaa sampai meraung...hahaha....

i once watched this film alone while my housemate went off to teach. by then, i waz free to bawl my eyes out. 
Nasibbbbbaikkk.... kalo tak pecah rahsia i menangess gituuu.
well, secret's out. Hahaha....

Okay...i give this film one thousand stars out of five.

Anyway....enjoy watching ya.

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