Friday, April 14, 2017

Filem : LION

Hai....dah tengah bulan April dah pun....
macam kurreeng jer cerita kat blog i ni.
Well, i will try my best to share 
and find some time to share with uols
many of the interesting stuffs 
that happened these few days.

Let me start with something light.

Yesterday i watched this very interesting film
en route from Kapit to Sibu
i put on my headphone
turned up the volume
and spend almost two hours watching
LION. here's the poster....

mantap hebat meletup kebaboom
filem nii...

even watching without subtitle
this film was an easy watch
i guess because the acting was so good
no one hardly need translation to understand. 

Lakonan mantap dari pelakon pelakon 'A - Class',
jalan cerita tentang pencarian diri
perjuangan hidup
dan kasih sayang; 
walaupun macam isi kandungan 
buku teks Bahasa Malaysia Tahun 6,
tapi masih relevan dengan isu-isu kemanusiaan.
(kalau uols tibatiba rasa ayat i macam boring...
uols dibenarkan tidor sekejap...hehehe)

filem ni dilakonkan oleh 
Dev Patel, Nicole Kidman 
dan beberapa lagi nama yang tak dikenali
but the biggest star in the film is...
the little child actor, 
Sunny Pawar.
patut dicalonkan untuk best actor budak ni...
kuahajak pandai sangat berlakon.

Sunny Pawar

Dev Patel

Nicole Kidman

anyway, kalau uols ada peluang
boleh laaa nonton sendiri filem ni. 
boleh sewa dari astrobest kerrr...
tengok kat wayang kerrr...(dah tahun lepas rasanya)
atau mintak sambil buat muka kiutmanja 
kat kawan uols yang ada download cerita ni. 


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