Tuesday, October 18, 2016

HAPPY : Sports Day (Part 1)

6th October 2016

final field events and track events qualifier.

yahhh....berlari macam pemotong daging!

spekking english ko nokkkk....

so, one wet afternoon
plus 72 athletes and 25 officials
plus one lunatic photographer teddy bear;
went all out making sure the events of that afternoon
went smoothly as planned.

walaupun hujan gerimis....semangat kesukanan diteruskan!

the track was wet and slippery
but still the athletes performed their best
to be qualified into the final the next day. 

acara trek...mantap berkaki ayam sejaaa....

"anak murid tohid lah tuk...lelah berekot pun agik juak senyum..."
gtewwsss uols kata anak murid i kannnn...uols nii...

hohooo.... muka ganas and fokus sebelum berlari!

stailo nyaaa Aya' Mathew melompat!

Josua dengan stail melompat nyaa yang tersendiri...

some of the athletes took part in multiple events
like the high jump, long jump and shot put.

Encik Mo dengan muka yang pokos nak menikam bol besi yaaa....

Cikgu Henri madah ngan the girls to do their best...

Sia...sesudah abis berlagu Chandelier, terus ke padang sukan SK Nanga Kain...
nak nikam bol besi...

the students enjoyed themselves
as well as the official...well, i think they did
because they need to be involved for another event
later in the evening...
meaning....my next post!

keep on reading yaaa....

photos by : mtz

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