Thursday, June 9, 2016

Jangan Mudah Percaya!

kita orang Malaysia ni
memang cepat percaya
cerita-cerita palsu
dan sensasi.

uols pernah dengar tak nama
Zamioculcas zamiifolia ?

pernah tengok pokok ni...?

mungkin uols tak pernah dengar...
tapi mungkin pernah terbaca yang begini 
dan ikut sekali apa yang disuruh oleh artikel nih...

so, ni pulak artikel yang i dapat dari internet

dan ini pulak kebenarannya....

An invalid claim that appears to have originated out of SE Asia in the summer of 2010 now claims Zamioculcas zamiifolia can cause cancer!  Internet discussion groups include the bogus notion the ZZ plant is so poisonous a clay pot cannot be used for another plant once it holds the ZZ since the "pot can be dangerous to touch".  Such rumors are based on reading untrue information on another website and then, as happens with all rumors, enhancing and elaborating on it repeatedly, and posting an enhanced notion on another website again and again.  These stories have been spread for years on the internet about aroids but no scientific foundation can be found.  This quote came from retired research chemist and aroid expert Ted Held, "Just a quick check on Google ("Zamioculcas" and "poison") did not find anything substantive. As far as I can tell, this appears to be hysteria."  Noted aroid botanist Peter Boyce in Malaysia responded, "The best one circulating here in Malaysia is that the pollen alone is enough to cause death in adult humans. I know of NO science whatsoever to back-up these claims."

ni link nyerrr....

statement yang paling mahal kat sini adalah ini...

"The best one circulating here in Malaysia is that the pollen alone is enough to cause death in adult humans. I know of NO science whatsoever to back-up these claims."

tanaman ni selamat uolssss....
korang tak payah laaaaa nak bakar-bakar pokok ni
dan korang pergi laa mintak mahap kat pokok ni
sebab korang dah berburuk sangka kat dia.


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