Friday, March 11, 2016

Makan : Wonderful Marble Cake In Multi-Versions

zalim tak gambar marble cake i kat bawah ni?

sentiasa jaaa cerita hal makan-makan kannnn....
semenjak dua menjak ni
minat jerrr nak kongsi gambar makan-makan
sharing food culture gituuu...

well, at least sharing something nice

is better than sharing horrible gossips
or sharing political opinions

plus, sharing about foods 
often leads to sharing of recipes -
meaning, you get to learn something new
and feasting your eyes to something beautiful 
in photos. are some photos 
of my latest food creation.
these are wonderfully called...errrmmm...

Wonderful Marble Cake In Multi-Versions.

okehh...yang atas ni, 
teddy bear cookies in marble cupcake.
resepi simple...adunan biasa untuk marble cake
tapi ada seekor teddy bear dalam setiap cawan.
y'als tau kannn...biskut teddies tu....
ambik sebiji biskut teddy dan cucukkan jerrr
ke dalam adunan marble cupcake tu. 
nak tabur's up to you.

hehehe....this one is also veryyy simple
just fill in a tin foil cup as you would normally do
with marble cake batter. make it interesting
simply crush some butter cokies
or in this case; a bag of teddy bear biscuits;
and sprinkle it on the mixture. 
bake as usual.

c'mon...try making them.
you'll be surprised with the results.

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