Monday, August 31, 2015

back to nature

last weekend was an enjoyable time
for my students and i

due to the coming examination
the students had to stay in school
and attend extra classes 
doing revisions and mock exams

but when the weather got too hot
it was best to soak in the brooks 
and enjoy nature 
in full splendor and ultimate HD

wow...some words huh..!

so then, i took my students 
for a nature walk in the forest
near my school.

it was an enjoyable moment
- kids get to be kids,
catching water bugs
collecting rocks
swim and play
in the cool forest.

it was a nice escape for a moment
time to relax the mind and body
and have fun while doing it.

so, here's wishing all the best to my students
for their coming exam.

enjoy looking at the pictures yaaa...

Sunday, August 30, 2015

study well!

the examination is getting closer
and my students are feeling the jitters

kadang-kadang diaorang ni serius belajar
tapi biasa laaa budak-budak
they sometimes felt bored doing nothing 
but study study study

so, it is better to let them 
roam around the class
feel free to do the activities 
and show off their answers 

although this method is time consuming
but it works!
plus...they're not bored!

study well my darlings...
and don't worry, i'll be on your side
screaming, teasing, teaching
and together we will have fun learning.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

gantung bendera banyak-banyak....


My Year 6 boys
sibuk-sibuk menyiapkan hiasan dewan
untuk meraikan Bulan Kemerdekaan.

Excited bukan main lagi...
dah nyaaa...tak dibenarkan bermain bolasepak
sebab tak lama lagi exam UPSR.

So, daripada tak buat apa-apa...
bagus lagi tolong cikgunya yang ting-tong
hiaskan dewan.

Hiasan ni pun baru sikit jerrr...
ada banyak lagi bendera-bendera 
yang menunggu untuk digantung.


tribute to Semang Kulih

my condolences to the family of
Semang Kulih

love and respect

Thursday, August 6, 2015

kuih raya, muncul selepas raya!

tadaaaa...tiba-tiba muncul!

hehehehe...puasa Ramadhan sebulan....
berpuasa jugak laaa berblogging kerrr?
gtewwwssssangat alasan. kannnnn..

tapi tak kessah lah kannnn...janji ada blogpost.

sebulan berpuasa, 
takdaaa laa cerita yang best sangat.
selain bersahur, berpuasa dan berbuka puasa jerrr...
well, ada laaa cerita-cerita lain...
tengoklahhhh...macam mana...
kalo i rasa i nak, 
i akan kongsikan dengan you all.

petang tadi, kat rumah i 
ada segmen minum petang
bersama MizRinda, RGM, kakakuni dan Azizi.
minum petang dengan sate, beskotbeskot dan kek raya...

kelezzz...kenyang sampai ke malam..
tak makan nasik laaa malam ni...
bagus leee tuuu....