Friday, October 3, 2014

UPSR English Language (Ver. 2.0)

dah siap dah ujian Bahasa Inggeris UPSR 2.0
amboiii...ada 2.0 jugak yerrrr!

tak kesssssahhhh laaa
yang penting...ujian Bahasa Inggeris UPSR tu dah siap
dan my students here are feeling relieved
that their ordeal is over.

teaching UPSR English Language
is indeed challenging
but also exciting, nonetheless.

so, here wishing all my Year 6 students
you all have to face one final examination
which is Mathematics Paper 1.

Good luck, and enjoy your time doing revision.
Don't stress yourselves!
Believe me, my dear students....
the best part about examination; any examination,
is when it's over.

good luck, and may God bless you all.

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