Saturday, May 3, 2014

ber'selfie'lah sepuas hati y'alsss...pegi mampus apa orang nak kata.

Definition of selfie in English:


Line breaks: selfie
Pronunciation: /ˈsɛlfi

(also selfy)

NOUN (plural selfies)

• informal
  • A photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam and uploaded to a social media website:
my selfie as a beruang

y'als mesti pernah berselfie kan...?
kalau y'als kata tak pernah langsung tu
i beranilah kata

takkan la sekalipun tak pernah....
kalau nak tipu sesama manusia memang laaaa senang
tapi cuba laaaa tipu kata tak pernah selfie kat Tuhan...
haa... macamana, ada berani? Ada telur...?

Hehehe....i merepek pulak....
kalau nak tag apa2 newspaper artikel
pikiaq dulu....apa respon yang boleh 
pusing balik kena kat batang idong sendiri.

anyway, perangai berselfie ni ada baik buruknya
cuma sendiri nak kena fikir laaaa
sesssswai ke tak 
dan apa kesan kat diri sendiri.

so far, i suka tengok selfies 
kawan-kawan i kat dalam fesbuk
macam-macam pesen ada
and i know they don't have any issues 
with their own appearance
-whatever makes them happy lah kannn...
at least berselfie lebih baik dari 
join tunjuk perasaan atau pun 
jadi pengikut ayah pin.

so, pesanan i buat mereka 
yang gemar berselfie ni....
teruskannn....itu muka you, 
you have the right to show it to the world.


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