Wednesday, January 8, 2014

my favourite Indonesian bands

y'alls semua, i nak bagitau yang i ni 
ada meminati beberapa band from 

to me, music is universal
and it does not matter whether i like
certain bands or singers from Malaysia
or some bands from Indonesia
or from UK
or USA
or Iceland
i like music as it is, 
as long as the music sounds great
or the singer sings weird
i'm okay with any kind of music. 

back to the point;
i'm going to list (in no particular order)
my favourite bands from Indonesia
and tell you why i like them....

the first one
that i would like to feature here is this 

the name RAN
is an acronym of the band members' names
Rayi - vocals and rap
Asta - guitars
Nino - vocals

i like this band because they sound cool
with a mix of 90's pop-funk and a bit of jazz.
here's a video of the band, 
featuring Shila Hamzah

next on my favourite list is this band 

i found out about this band as i was 
youtube surfing
at first, i thought this is just another 
Indonesian jazz band...
but, how i was wrong!
this band is GOOD! 
after listening to "Aku Suka Caramu"
i became a fan (finger snap!) like that!
and here's the video that started it.

next on my glamorous list is this band

this is one of Indonesia's great music export!
a legendary band with great songs 
- all feel happy-lovey-dovey-mellow songs
and with the vocals of Arina, 
this band delivers their best in their music.
here's one of their greatest song.


and finally,
my all time favourite Indonesian band

cool, jazzy, retro.....unique
need i say more?
here's one of their greatest song
and i think it is one of their signature song.

that's it people.
my list of my favourite Indonesian band.
remember, music is universal.

Yasmin Ahmad by google
memberikan penghormatan kepada 
pengarah filem tersohor Malaysia
Allahyarham Yasmin Ahmad

lakaran wajah Yasmin Ahmad 
dijadikan penghias di search engine

mungkin ada di antara kita yang tidak tahu kerap memilih tarikh-tarikh tertentu 
untuk dijadikan tarikh memberi penghormatan
dan tarikh 7 Januari 2014 
telah dipilih untuk memperingati
tarikh lahir Allahyarham Yasmin Ahmad.

National Geographic Your Shot

so, lately i've been busy
with my latest project.

at the moment i'm participating
in a photographic project
conducted by the 
National Geographic Society.

yappp....i joined 
National Geographic's Your Shot Community....
not as a resident photographer...
i'm just a member,
with a frequent habit of submitting pictures
and liking other people's photos.

well, i'm looking forward to the day
that National Geographic 
would select my photos;
any photos....
for publication....
but at the moment i'm just happy 
for being a member....

basi sudah itu 2014 punya greeting!


dah basi dah sambutan tahun baru
sekarang baru nak ucapkan yerrr....


semenjak dua-menjak ni
agak sibuk sikit dengan kerja
yang entahapapa
sampaikan tak dapat nak berblogging sangat
tapi, jangan pulak kata i tak pernah nak greet
atau beri ucapan selamat sempena tahun baru,
i ada ucapkan kat facebook yerrr.....

so, here's to 2014....
beginning on the 8th January 2014, 
there'll be more blogposts from me.

you just get ready for me!