Saturday, March 9, 2013

"Senja Di SK Nanga Kain" photos

dan terus merangkak senja
di SK Nanga Kain.....

these are a few photos of my 
camera-phone photography project. 
there'll be more to come. 

hmm....lama dah tak memproses gambar 
secara online.
asyik-asyik guna instagram ajaaa....
sekali-sekala back to basics 
pun okayyyy jugak kannnnn....

no fancy cameras or 
high-end, over-the-top, 
big, bulky cameras
for me....
cukup-cukup laaaaaaa
camera-phone jerrr......

bersyukur gtewwwww....
amboihhh, merendah diri sangat!

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