Wednesday, December 26, 2012

catatan sebelum tamat 2012


Dah nak sampai ke penghujung 2012…
and what a year it was for me!

ada cerita sakit mata lahhh
ada cerita kena kritik nazir yang meroyan lahhh
result UPSR yang menurun lahhh
karam kat sungai lahhh
kena black-out lahhh
Tapi, sebab I ni optimis sangat,
I tak kesssssaaaahhhhh
dengan masalah!

I’m surrounded by supportive people;
my family and friends! 
Through the medium of facebook and blogger,
my personal ideas became impersonal; 
as I share my thoughts and ideas with you.
Terima kasih, kerana sudi melayan catatan ngok-ngek i. hehehe….

Terima kasih untuk 2012
(kesian doomsday preppers! Hahaha…)
and get ready for 2013!

my coffee style

very black style

in a cup, pour half a cup of boiling water 
to two tablespoon of coffee powder. 
wait for...say, ten minutes; 
for the coffee powder to release its aroma. 
then, add more hot water. 
just drink the coffee on its own. 
and don't bother to filter the coffee, 
just drink it straight with no filtration...

best taken with a piece of toast, 
or with some cream crackers. 


Saturday, December 22, 2012


ada pulak pesen maen cubit-cubit pipi!
girtewwwwww sangatssss....
comey sungguh laaa dua orang nih
macam pinang dibelah dua!
serba biru lagi tuuueeee......kelezzzzz!

well, anyway, i would like to wish 
Mr. Amirulizan Hamzah and Ms. Hasmidah

semoga bahagia ke anak cucu.....

photo by : Mr Fadzley Hamid
thanks to MrFadzley Hamid for allowing me to use the photo.

Monday, December 17, 2012

jemput makan : BINGKA LABU

i nak bagi international flavour sikit 
blogpost i yang ni....
apalagi, tentang makan laaa!

okay, what you're looking at the top 
is a picture of a special kind of cake/pudding

this is Bingka Labu
or to put it in English Language;
Butternut Squash cake....
this one is quite traditional...
so, i can't say much about it.
but, according to my observation, 
the ingredients were :
grated butternut squash (hence the name!)
coconut milk
- pardon me here, 
i don't actually know the amount of each ingredient
or which ingredient goes in first...
- but to put it easily, when the batter was already mixed, 
it was then baked in an oven.
something like that.........hehehehe

it was really good!
particularly  as a midnight snack!

jemput makan : WAJIK

makan lagiiiiii.....
tak sudah-sudah...

ni dia...
wajik, fresh from the kuali (wok)
sticky glutinous rice cooked with 
coconut milk and palm sugar....
best eaten warm....
with a cup of mildly-warm tea.
good for breakfast or brunch...
or; as for me; anytime!

FABRIC : friends in the dark

i'm one of those people
who likes to sketch....

and here's one 
created a few months ago...
depicting the ambiance of darkness
but warm and friendly....

lakaran dibuat semasa black-out 
di bulan Ramadhan 
di SK Nanga Kain...
ada 'silhouette' tiga orang gengsi i
Mr. WK, Kakak Ross and MizRinda.....

Friday, December 14, 2012

Personal Pick : Mira

lama dah tak buat segmen 
so, here's my latest pick....

this is 
singing "Mira"....

something jazzy, 
something Latin American flavoured
something colourful...

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

FABRIC : students melawan cikgu

bersukan adalah baik untuk kesihatan....
kata orang....

that's why 
kalau ada peluang untuk bersukan
walaupun tak lah se'serius' mana...
join jerrr laaa...

macam i...
i tak bersukan sangat
sebab cepat penat...maklum laaaa
comel @ gendut @ gendot kata orang Sarawak.

kalau berbadminton tuuu..
jarang sangat laaaa nak menang...
partner main badminton pun akan jadi boring 
kalau berpartner dengan i. 

tapi, i lagi suka kalau masa orang bersukan 
i pulak jadi fotografer.
macam gambar-gambar ni....

gambar ni diambil pada 
seminggu yang terakhir 
sesi persekolahan tahun 2012.

pelajar lelaki Tahun 6 sedang berbolasepak 
dengan cikgu-cikgu lelaki...
pelajar lawan cikgu gitewww....

MisRinda and Jess pun teringin 
nak join in the fun....
walaupun diaorang tau diaorang tak terrer main.
tapi sesaja lah kannn...
main lebih kepada bergelak ketawa 
dan having fun gitewwwwwwww.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

FABRIC : the three new faces (well, one is almost new!)

ni dia wajah-wajah baru 
di SK Nanga Kain. 

Mr. Shazni, Mr. Bai Haqi, and Mr. Amiruddin...
eh, Amiruddin ke?
well, two of them are ACTUALLY new...
Amiruddin diposting awal tahun ni, 
dia dah otai beberapa bulan. 

walaupun ditempatkan sebagai guru interim, 
tapi merasa jugaklah mengajar di kawasan pedalaman, 
berlebih-lebihan lagi di SK Nanga Kain 
yang aneh ini. 

welcome to SERENGKA
enjoy your time teaching here, 
and enjoy the weirdness.

FABRIC : the guys yang di'style'kan cara foto rosak

sambil-sambil layan free time, 
apa salah nya melepak sekejap 
di taman permainan Pra-Sekolah
ye kan?

foto diproses semula seperti dicetak
dari filem foto yang rosak. 

dari kiri...(cepaaattt jalan!)
mr.medan, mr.AZZ, mr.GB, mr.Shaz, mr.Bai, mr.amir

foto selepas 
Majlis Konvokesyen Pra-Sekolah
SK Nanga Kain 2012.