Saturday, June 30, 2012

the so-called "my first musical stage-play"

here's the video release of the so-called
"my first musical stage-play"
i do hope you enjoy watching it...


Mexwell Roy
Raja Negeri Tepung Jagung
(King of Cornflour Kingdom)

E.C. Sabang
Perdana Menteri
(Prime Minister)

Janiecy Sally
Tuan Puteri Tari-Tarian
(Princess Dance)

Rebecca Shima
Tuan Puteri Nyanyi-Nyanyian
(Princess Sing)

Tuan Puteri Model-Modelan
(Princess Model)

Veronica Asmida
Si Bibik Tukang Masak DiRaja
(the royal cook)

the narrator

E.E. Along
the voice for Raja Negeri Tepung Jagung

the voice for Perdana Menteri

Rebecca Tol
the voice for Si Bibik Tukang Masak DiRaja

Production crew
announcer: Mdm. Nurhananni
technician: Mr. Amirulizan
guitar supplied by Mr. Amiruddin
Princesses' costumes: Mdm Connie and Auntie Roselind
make-up: m tauhhid z
photography: Ms. Rufina of RGM™ 2012
videography: Miss Linda Jim


Selamat Jalan Romeo
performed by Ramlah Ram

Dan Sebenarnya
performed by Yuna

performed by Anita Sarawak

Selamat Pengantin Baru
performed by Saloma

Written and Directed by
M Tauhhid Z

All songs are copyright protected

Produced by
mamarock films™ 2012

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