Monday, February 6, 2012

inspired...sleeping baby, granny and being famous

semalam kan 
masa bershopping di pasar basah di Kapit
i got the chance to take this photo...

as i said before...
inspirasi akan datang dengan tiba-tiba
tanpa kita sedari....
that's why i tak pernah nak berenggang dengan kamera i tu
atau setakat yang paling koman; sekadar my camera-phone

about this picture....
i was walking through the crowded part in the market
when suddenly i saw this old woman; sitting patiently; 
and was holding a baby on her lap...
the baby was sleeping soundly
as if the noises around the baby were merely lullaby
and that was when inspiration hit me...
"I should take a photo of this!"
and i did, using my camera-phone
the old woman wasn't aware at first, 
but when she realized that she was photographed
she just politely said - in Iban language
"anang ngambik gambar inik wai..."
translated : please don't take my picture

she was laughing after i took her picture
and her friends were all laughing and teased her;
telling her that she is going to be famous
and they even said they're going to buy the newspaper with her picture in it!

hahaha..they thought that i'm a newspaper photographer!
aiyooo...i'm not. but i'm sure she'll be famous.
my blog is international! 

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